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RE: Hard Rock Hotel $20 silver gaming token/ Re-blog lottery


They smelled all day but I read that you have to remove the sheet if you really start using them right away, so I did that first thing in the morning, and opened the windows + put a fan to blow the smell towards the window (lol). It kept smelling all day but much less than yesterday. Will repeat it tomorrow. Thankfully, at least they are good matrasses and a HUGE upgrade!

Honestly, I'm currently borrowing from our savings vault where I monthly put the tax contribution we pay every quarter. I always put the full amount there, but know that we never have to pay the full amount as there are deductions. So a little room is left, and this way I can use December and January's income to fill it back up.

I refuse to postpone buying the things that really make our life better this time, last time we had no choice because we moved here with only 2 full boxes of items as well as our suitcases, the rest was left behind. We were lucky back then to rent with pans, kitchen stuff and blankets etc. But it also meant we needed all the bedding now, lol.

The heater is one of these things that I refuse to wait with as last year I noticed they doubled in price once it was December/January. Not going to wait for that :) The heater is here already, just need to get a contract with two more gas bottles in the next weeks to make sure we never run out of gas.

I'm so happy for you that you feel better! If it was so inflamed, I bet it will stay tender for a while (or even longer) because I remember my HUGE inflammations from mosquito bites and all these spots remain harder skin. As long as it's healing, I would not be bothered too much. Superman status, oh man, I can't even imagine feeling 100% great again, lol. Can you? :)

Today we removed the old matrasses down to storage as well as the frame of the big bed. All boxes are cleared (yay, this means space for the washing machine is made) and our new scratching post for the kittens arrived. I will take pictures in good light tomorrow but I'm SOOO happy, this was a great deal.

How was your day? I never really asked but do you still work or not? Not being curious but interested :)

Time to finish my draft and land on the sofa to watch some shows..

#pimptomorrow :)