Until I found you by Stephen Sanchez (Covered by Cryptofairy).

in Vibes3 months ago (edited)

Today i am going to share my participation for the music competition for Week 3. This is the song Until I found you by Stephen Sanchez. I just wanted to let you all know that this original song has been sung by a male but as it is my favourite one so i am rendering my female voice to the song.


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This song is just amazing. I am continuously listening to this for a past few years and i am unable to move on from it. This is the best song i have ever heard. This song gives my peace and satisfy me. Today i got a chance on hive to perform or sing this so i am very happy for doing this and i was a bit nervous doing it but when i did it i am feeling a bit normal. So i am trying this for the first time and here's my song performance.
My participation for the music competition in Vibesweb3 for week3.

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Beautiful girl. 🥰 I can tell you enjoyed it, great charisma and good performance honey!!!! Best regards!!! 😎🔥 Applause!!!

Beautiful cover of one of my favourite song. Thanks. 😊