
That was lovely. From 1:29 really catches you off guard.

Great to have you back again for Week 2. :)

Thanks, dear lord. It is always a great pleasure to be in your invaluable community.

Me he quedado maravillado de tu trabajo musical. Me encantó como fluyo la melodía, y el concepto que has plasmado en las cuerdas de la Guitarra. Te felicito por tan hermosa interpretación. Eres un músico muy habil y talentoso.

Hola amigo, muchas gracias por tu amable comentario hermano. Es muy amable de tu parte, gracias por escuchar.

From 1:28, how did you do that finger picking magic?

Thank you so much for your kind comment, Obaro. Tremolo is a usual guitar technique, and everyone can learn it easily.

You think it would be that easy?
That looks complex!

Yep bro, seems complex, but it's not. Just dive into it :) <3

I feel you dude!
Any form of linking up?
Social media?

Instagram: foadmoradimusic
Twitter: FoadMoradi7

Gracias por escuchar a mi amigo.