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RE: 🎵ANNOUNCEMENT: Verbal-d to join Vibes as judge.

in Vibes2 months ago

Congratulations to you VerbalD 🤭, I've always known you'd make a great judge but never saw it happening this soon, it's well deserved.

Oh! I love your children already because those names were definitely given out of so much love 🥰.

I love you judging criteria, they are just what is needed to get a great performance ❤️


Yes thank you Hope, maybe they will perform one day, lol, with my previous 3 years experience as an official judge from the Steemit Open Mic contest, they were able to onboard me sooner than later and provide them the much needed support for the other great things the Vibe team is currently developing. I am so glad to judge again.

So glad you approve of the judging criteria, it is well rounded to cover all aspects of any entry from any genre or style. :)

Yay!!! 🥰 I’d love to see them perform someday 🥹

Yeah you are right, those criteria are more than enough to give the best pick 😊.