Vibes Web3 Music Week6 "God is so Good to me" For Good Vibes Only

in Vibes3 months ago (edited)

I want to share with you the events of our Asia Pacific Mens Conference held at the Ynares Sports Arena here in Taguig Metro Manila and we attended, and this is the event last night that I will share with you today I hope you like it


~~~ embed:1773487000706048428?t=TAyeqr7R3sV1_n-lz0W1gA&s=19 twitter metadata:SmVkdW1WfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0plZHVtVi9zdGF0dXMvMTc3MzQ4NzAwMDcwNjA0ODQyOHw= ~~~


Would have been pretty amazing if you said Vibes web3 music competition on stage. haha

You guys are pretty awesome.