in Vibeslast month (edited)

~~~ embed:1791331789576802470?t=08wilZG-7fNS0S5PT1NY4Q&s=19 twitter metadata:WW9fc295X21hZ2ljfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL1lvX3NveV9tYWdpYy9zdGF0dXMvMTc5MTMzMTc4OTU3NjgwMjQ3MHw= ~~~

Hey music fellas of the web 3 music platform on hive. I send you all warm greetings from here, hopin you are all doing great. I am very elated to be out here once again this week to share and also learn from you all.

Hola amigos de la música de la web 3 plataforma de música en la colmena. Os mando un cordial saludo desde aquí, espero que os vaya muy bien. Estoy muy contento de estar aquí una vez más esta semana para compartir y también aprender de todos ustedes.


Indeed you can agree with me that this platform is a mutual and a symbiotic one, in the sence that everyone has the oportunity to share their talent and in turn recieve and learn a lot from the talent of others by engaging their contents.

De hecho, puedes estar de acuerdo conmigo en que esta plataforma es mutua y simbiótica, en el sentido de que todo el mundo tiene la oportunidad de compartir su talento y, a su vez, recibir y aprender mucho del talento de los demás mediante la participación en sus contenidos.

Today, I have decided to bring a very slow but intruiguing song. mThe title is Out Of My Belly, A beautiful worship gospel by Prosper Ochimana, a prominent Nigerian Gospel Artist. The song is characterised by the the emotional atmosphere it generates each time it is sung or played. I am sure that was what attracted me to the song in the first place.

Hoy he decidido traer una canción muy lenta pero intrigante. mEl título es Out Of My Belly, un hermoso gospel de alabanza de Prosper Ochimana, un destacado artista nigeriano de gospel. La canción se caracteriza por la atmósfera emocional que genera cada vez que se canta o se interpreta. Estoy seguro de que eso fue lo que me atrajo de la canción en primer lugar.

Today, I will share an Acoustic version of this beautiful sound with you all, hoping you will find it intresting. I also hope to see your reactions in the comments section about what your impressions are about the song.
Hoy compartiré con todos vosotros una versión acústica de este bello sonido, esperando que os resulte interesante. También espero ver vuestras reacciones en la sección de comentarios sobre cuáles son vuestras impresiones acerca de la canción.

I wish you a beautiful end of the week in advance.




Nice one bro.

Wow.. I didn't know we could share on TikTok too. That's cool.
Please help me to confirm that..
I only thought YouTube and 3speak was mentioned.

Great as expected from your fingers to the world.

God bless you.

Yes ooo, the main thing basically is to post to a social media with a better view and in my own case, tiktok is that for me!

Oh that's great. And you can also on board a lot of people from TikTok too.

Beautiful worship song and I like you you sang calmly while playing so beautifully. Well done.
I totally agree with you - this community is all about mutual support and learning from each other's talents. I really love the song choice today 'Out Of My Belly'. The emotional atmosphere it creates is captivating!

Oh yeah man! Amazing!:) What an incredible song!:)

Love that picture with snowy mountains behind you, that is incredible :)

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Very nice presentation my friend, that guitar plucking was excellent as well ✨