in Vibes5 months ago (edited)

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Hello everyone! I am so happy to participate in the Vibes web3 music competition, this is so huge. A big thank you to @lordbutterfly and for creating this wonderful community. My name is pjwelry and for this week 1, I will be presenting a song titled "Listen" by Beyonce. It's my best song and I have always wanted to sing it in a competition, so I decided to give it a try in this competition.

I love this song so much, it's a very powerful song with powerful meaning. From the title you just have to stop and listen to the bustling emotions. it is a song of saying goodbye to timidity and societal pressure. It's about finding one's true path and strength and standing up for what you believe. You are no longer a pushover you are free to achieve your big dreams.

It is a journey of self-discovery, the rediscovery of the bold, selfless person you used to be, not silenced, not afraid to speak out, free from society's expectations, giving meaning to your true identity.

My submission link


Listen to the song here in my heart
A melody I start but can't complete

Listen to the sound from deep within
It's only beginning to find release

Oh, the time has come for my dreams to be heard
They will not be pushed aside and turned
Into your own
All 'cause you won't listen

I am alone at a crossroads
I'm not at home in my own home
And I've tried and tried
To say what's on my mind
You should have known

Lyrics source

Thank you all for visiting my blog, I hope you enjoyed my performance, please do well to tell me what you think about my entry.

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@pjwelry, tienes una voz preciosa. He quedado gratamente sorprendida con tu maravillosa voz
Gracias por compartir. Mil bendiciones. Sé que tendrás éxito en el concurso

@pjwelry, you have a beautiful voice. I have been pleasantly surprised by your wonderful voice.
Thanks for sharing. A thousand blessings. I know you will be successful in the contest

Thank you so much ma'am, I appreciate your kind words

I looove your voice. Before you even mention, it’s obvious you love this song and enjoyed making this presentation. This is beautiful dearie, well done!

You caught me there, thank you so much

Very beautiful cover my dear 🥰 this sounds so good and I totally love this song, you did a very good job. Your voice is angelic as always 👌

Thank you so much I appreciate 😍