in Vibes5 months ago (edited)

Hi lovelies 🤗my name is Mrs Uche Eruke, I’m a Nigerian. Graduated from the university of benin here in Nigeria from the department of animal science and also a fashion designer that has passion for creating new designs & loves challenging myself to different task. I’m a fan of good music and I love singing as well.

I've always wanted to be a part of hive but then I was finding it hard to understand how everything works and I needed someone to put me through. Thanks to this competition, my sister and friend Hope reminded me once again of hive and this time since it involved something I love doing so much, I didn't think twice about giving it a try.

I believe music brings people together and I do hope this competition brings me to the right people and also help me get better at singing and also being on hive would help me improve generally on myself. I hope I'm welcomed here and I do hope to interact more with other amazing music lovers in the community.

Image was designed using Canva

The song “TRY EVERYTHING” was sang by shakira in a movie Zootopia and I find that song to be a really good motivational song for encouraging anyone who is facing a lot of challenges in something and wishing to giving up in that particular thing, for them not to give in to failure and to let them know that it’s actually okay to fail but it’s definitely not okay to give up.

And that’s why this is my entry for the vibes web3 music competition and it’s also my first post to this wonderful platform, it took me sometime to finally come up with the particular song to sing and I hope you’ll enjoy it. I want to appreciate the host @lordbutterfly for this opportunity to be out here, a big shout-out to you.

I heard about the competition from @hopestylist, she has told me about hive for quite sometime now but I was a bit reluctant to join. Right now I feel am taking the right step 🤭.

Below is the link to my post on X(twitter), please like, comment and repost 🤗

~~~ embed:1761499436268577090?t=DSjB0JKIOrXDR_WFQqm8cw&s=19 twitter metadata:UnVra3lVY2hlfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL1J1a2t5VWNoZS9zdGF0dXMvMTc2MTQ5OTQzNjI2ODU3NzA5MHw= ~~~


And finally we could get you here! You are welcome to the hive blockchain sis and I hope you get to find your feet around here.

This was a beautiful entry and your connection with the song was contagious 🤭. All the best with your entry Mrs Uche 🥰 .

Be free to ask any questions if you have any and I believe there are so many people here who will find it as a pleasure to help out ☺️.

Once again you are welcome to the Vibes competition and Hive as a whole ❤️

Thank you very much my darling for this heart warming welcome 🤗
I'll do just that...

You're always welcome ma'am 🥰

Yay! 🤗
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Cool, thanks for notifying me🙏