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RE: "Love of my life" cover by @isbelhiv02, Vibes Web3 music competition week 8.

in Vibes2 months ago

Please answer me one question, why is this entry so fire?
You jumped straight up to the top of my favorites for this week. Your entry was Smooth, flawless, and effortless playing and controlled emotional singing, the transitions were ridiculously clean, and the range of your vocals and the texture of the tonality, is layered with depth and soulfulness. You are setting the standard for what I am looking for in the Vibes Competition.


Wow brother from the heart I think you have never dedicated me such beautiful words as these, I appreciate very much that you value my interpretation, I think the songs should feel them and sing them with the heart.
A big hug😊

You are so very welcome, Congratulations on reaching the top 10, this entry was great, I look forward to the next one and seeing which place you get after the community vote.

You really can't imagine how excited I am to be in the top 10, that makes me feel very good, I send you a big hug from my heart😊

You deserve it man, it is all love and support here in the Hives community and Vibes Competition

😊 Exactly, brother, now all that remains is to wait and thank you very much, brother.

Congrats on 1st place brother!!!!

Join the Twitter space!

Thank you so much I'm so excited I can't believe it, sorry I couldn't finish listening on X because I lost connection for over an hour.