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RE: Selling Dreams Cover by Tinella

in Vibes2 months ago (edited)

Hello @tinella, I'm Verbal-D one of the official judges of the Vibes Web3 Music Competition.
Welcome to our Hive Vibes Community and the music competition. Please post only one entry into the contest, and please include always your entry with the video you have uploaded on Twitter by providing both the embedded video and the weblink for your X post on Twitter.
That will make your entry always 100% valid and acceptable.

This was a beautiful entry of your vocals and songwriting skills, I enjoyed the harmonies as well. I would prefer something longer from you, this entry was good but too short for my liking. :)


Thank you so much for your response.
I’ll take all you have said into consideration next time🙏

You're very welcome, I'm looking forward to next time, and again great job.