[Guide] How to get a Hyper Scape beta key

in Hive Gaming4 years ago


As there were some confusion on discord earlier and I know there's a bug as well which I had to search for to figure out how to get it to work I figured I'd write a quick guide on how to get a beta key for the closed Hyper Scape beta. They are basically doing a "key drop" giveaway where certain streamers are able to randomly drop keys to viewers of their stream and that way new players can join over time to test out the game without overwhelming the servers. Valorant did it some time ago and it proved to be very popular, there were Valorant keys selling for hundreds of dollars online even though RIOT said they'd be banning and closing accounts of verified sold keys. Although not sure how they'd be able to track which ones got sold and which didn't, anyway.

Go to ubisoft and login with your ubisoft account or create one here directly on the drops page: https://drops-register.ubi.com/#/en-US

Once logged in, head to the account information page and scroll down the the "linked accounts" section where you will find the Twitch logo, there you just login with your Twitch account and give ubisoft authorization.

After that is done all you have to do now is head over to Twitch and specifically the Hyper Scape section and open and watch streamers playing the game but make sure they have "drops enabled" in the title or something about drops making it clear that you can receive one on their channel.

A good trick here that helped me get one fast is to head over to someone who has less viewers and drops enabled. Only took me a few minutes of watching (though be aware that you need to have volume enabled as well as they don't want people to just "farm" a key by having the stream on in the background with the stream muted - although muting your browser/tab should still work if you really want to avoid spoiling the gameplay) then I got a notification telling me I had received a drop (censoring streamer names to avoid promoting them for free ;)):


Now the bug I mentioned is that on the website it won't update that you got the drop in the drops section, you'll have to download the Uplay launcher and there in the "news" section you'll be able to click on the Hyper Scape banner and get to the page where you can download it (was around 8gb big) and play it shortly after installation:


Hyper Scape is currently trending on Twitch and there's a lot of hype around it. The beta will run for one week at least and not sure how it will move forward from then on or if you'll get to keep your stats and/or skins you may receive during this time but the game runs really smoothly and is quite fun to play, especially if you're into battle royal and getting in early will surely give you a gameplay advantage to when the real game starts.




Ahh dang!
The twitch link doesn't show up for me in Ubisoft and I can't link through twitch connections.
Not sure why the only thing showing up in ubisoft to link to is facebook.

I guess i'll wait till it comes out...
Thanks though :)

Hmm, that is weird :/