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RE: Seriously old-school gaming

in Hive Gaminglast year

My mind had a huge flashback when I saw the Water Ring Toss (I remember never being able to get them do something cool other than just pushing the button and having the rings that missed the target just jump around) and the Labyrinth pictures. I cannot actually remember when, how and if I actually got my hands at least once at the Labyrinth/wooden maze, but for some reason I feel like I can vaguely remember playing with something like that quite a bit when I did.

I hadn't ever seen the first one but it reminded me of those little battery-powered "Block Game" things that were primitive Tetris for your pocket that I had seen at least 3 times in my life. I'd also call the Polystation, as much as it was simply a bootleg NES, one of these for me considering how so many people I had met as a kid had one but your choice was whatever their cartridges could offer and nothing else lol

Really cool topic right here, thanks for your post :)


The ring toss games would be semi-functional even when they were brand new. Then, if left in a humid environment they would start to mold, the little air pump would break or get clogged, and then we would just try to come up with innovative ways to destroy them. I preferred firecrackers myself.