
I assume you just came up with that joke today! 😅

!GIF age

No, I'm doing it for at least 3 years now... Mostly offline.~

The people who you told your age with fractional or decimal part would assume that you are a math geek! 😆🤓😅

Have a !PIZZA! 😁

It's fun to see their reactions.

Compared to normal people, I'm a bit of a math geek. I don't like spending time solving problems, (hence why I only took part in your contest only a few times,) but I always use examples using math terms for real life things. Maybe because my mother is a Math teacher? ...but she doesn't do this, I do!

I told someone once:

Translating Arabic or English into Japanese feels like differentiation, there's always something that's lost in the process. When translating Japanese into Arabic or English, you have to imagine the lost pronouns, the lost context. You have to come up with C (the integration constant.) Isn't that fascinating?

For context, I can't read Japanese yet, and I said that with the information I know. The person knows I'm interested in the language, and I know they understand these math terms I'm using. But to normal people, it will sound like a very geeky conversation.

You don't have to translate words in a language for some of its meaning to be lost. 🧘‍♂️ Just imagine a story being passed through word of mouth through a chain of several people. 🤓 You can imagine the same loss happening whenever you round off a number. 🤔 Isn't that fascinating? 😏

Have a !PIZZA, !LOLZ, !ALIVE with !LUV! 😁

Haha, that too... But I was talking about how Japanese language omits subject and sometimes even the object from the sentence...

This sentence from this song:

"自分を愛さなきゃ 他人も愛せない"

The words in-order are: -"Self, Love, Person, Love, No"

That can mean "If I don't love myself, I can't love anyone else" or "If you don't love yourself, you can't love people" or "If I don't love myself, people won't love me" ...You see how it goes.

The linked website translates it: "You gotta love yourself before you can love someone else."

But what you said is completely true.~

The way you said Self, Love, Person, Love, No reminded me of films where there is a communication barrier between people cut off from civilization, or even aliens! 👽😅

Have a !PIZZA with !LUV! 😁