Knocking down the second egg master in ANGRY BIRDS.

in Hive Gaming8 days ago

Hello everyone

I hope you all are doing fine. So guys this is the time we should buckle up to go behind the second master who captured our eggs. Well, not ours but the eggs of our lovely but angry birds. If you remember my previous post we unlocked yellow along with the company of red who chased down the first egg master but unfortunately (damn game creators) there was a second one who took the eggs.

Let's chase him down

As the loading of game got completed our red and yellow with stylish caps (i purchased those for them) were ready to knock those piggies down. Tbh whenever i play the game i feel pity for those innocent piggies but there is no other way to hunt down those masters who have our eggs. We advance to the next level as we proceed by destroying the buildings in each level.

As i began playing it they started some kind of tutorial and i was wondering what tutorial they are having again when i already completed it. But then i came to know that it was like the beginning of a new chapter where buildings will be stronger and hard to destroy. That's why Maybe they added some kind of tutorial.

But i played it in the same way as i used to, i mean the way i played it while capturing the first egg master. But one thing which i got idea about after clearing this first one (of the second chapter) that this master is going to be a difficult one for sure.

Okie!! It might be weird to say but sometimes i like the scenery of this game's mission. Like how they make use of different weathers which really adds to the interest level of player. I really enjoy seeing this kind of scenery (sun behind the mountains with it's little rays hinting that it is present there). But still i destroyed those piggies building.. lol

Ah yes... One more key there to unlock another champ 🏆. This time i decided to chose black as i really searched and found out he is going to be really helpful in destroying these hard buildings. So i unlocked him and now it was time to try him.

Hmmm, so what is he actually capable of doing. It was time for me to regret on my previous decision where i chose yellow (because of his speed) over the black. Believe me guys if you every decide to try this game always go for the black in your first unlock attempt. He can just explode the whole building when he hits it. The rocks in the buildings were really of no use if you are going to attack with the black.

And finally, we are here Infront of the second egg master in attempt to retrieve our eggs.

As i was talking earlier, the game setting of weather in each level is really interesting sometimes. Like i can write it was a dark stormy night with some lightning ⚡ and three birds were there to hunt a big pig down to take their eggs back.

And believe me this is the best explanation of the whole scenario. Well, i was thinking from the start that the boss is going to be really difficult but our black (i replaced him with yellow) was enough with his single shot. The boss fell down from the hill and died.

Here is the corpse of that beast who took from us our eggs from the first attempt success.

I knew it, they are not going to give us back those eggs. They will just make the game more and more lengthy. This one took our eggs and now we have to chase him down again... Ah!

Well, that's all from my side.



Thank you 😊

You're welcome 😁

 8 days ago (edited) 

The best one in my opinion is Star Wars


Well, everyone has their own opinion