Down With Richmond And Its People... Thanks To David!? | Tripp Dies But Ava Lives ~ The New Conquest For Survival

in Hive Gaming25 days ago

Hello, gamers of HIve. I hope you all are doing well today.

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Today, I will share with you guys the end of Richmond and how Javi, Clem, and others navigate through the city that gets flooded with zombies.

Without further ado, let's begin.

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Javi, Clem, and Gabe head toward the general gathering in the town square, leaving Kate by the truck as instructed by Ava over the walkie-talkie. Javi gave Kate a heartfelt kiss when she confessed her feelings toward Javi while Clem and Gabe were hitting it off in the back of the truck. They stole it from the city's edge where the new area was being cleared for the settlement. Ava gave them that information in the safehouse after they successfully stole guns from the armory and met Dr. Lingard. Javi stumbled upon Clem in Lingard's office where she was trying to find out where they moved Aj. Lingard made a deal: they had to inject a dose of poison to kill him and only after that he would give up the location. Javi denied it. Clem also stitched up Javi's knife wound he received earlier from a scuffle with one of the guards in the armory. Gabe and Ava secured the guns and left with Clem and Javi.

This Time

Javi reaches the gathering where Joan had already started with her speech.

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She accused him of caring for himself and not for the community. That way, the people present were mortally against David. Gabe was starting to panic, he could sense that Joan was really about to execute his father. Javi asked him to be clam.

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Moreover, she included how David, their security head, killed one of the men with sheer brutality. The crowd agreed they could not trust a man with such low morality. Joan spots Javi amidst the crowd. She asked him to come out so the people could see him.'

He obliged. Joan further added that she and Eleanor had a chat, and she exposed their plan of crashing the meeting. With a straight face, Javi told Joan that he still intended to do so.

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Joan brought out the two captives: Ava and Tripp. Joan addressed the people about the robbery of their ammunition from the armory that was done by one of David's underlings. The crowd was furious at this accusation.

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Joan played politically and asked Javi to choose between one of them. Clint wanted to protest since he knew that was not the way things were supposed to be run but did not openly question Joan. Javi had to decide whom to save.

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I asked for Tripp to be saved but Joan played dirty, she decided to kill the very person I had asked not to kill. She called it betrayal, like how Javi betrayed the "community" and asked the executioner to pull the trigger. In a quick instant, a bright flash glowed near Tripp and Eleanor cried out like she did not have any idea how things might've gone after her chat with Joan.

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Javi pointed out that Clint was a pathetic individual. He pointed out that they trusted the system and where were they now. That got Clint charged and urged Joan to stop. He further added that they exile the prisoners with David as long as they leave Richmond to their own devices.

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David started to act up. he urged Javi to shoot Joan on the spot and if he didn't, David would kill Joan himself. Again, the choice was Javi's: either he could take the deal and somehow clear a way through the hordes of zombies just outside the gates or shoot Joan and try and take over Richmond for themselves.

Javi decided to take the deal and do it peacefully as Clint wanted.

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Clint untied David and David carefully lifted his noose. He walked by Joan and Clint and snatched the gun off an unsuspecting thug. He turned around and grabbed Clint by the back. Joan further accused David and the others of being untrustworthy. David asked her to stay back, otherwise it would not end well for Clint. She did not care about Clint and asked him to show who he truly was to everyone.

Clint elbowed David and a stray shot made the public panic and run in all directions. Gabe tried to help his dad Javi followed Gabe closely. But he was punched away easily.

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David took this opportunity and got a clear mark on Clint's face, he did not hesitate to take the shot.

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The place was being heated up fast. Javi spotted Clem to be in a pinch, he quickly ran down and eliminated a guy that was about to kill Clem. Clem said that Javi should take her more seriously, she told that David was not who he thought he was anymore.

The walkie-talkie sprang to life. Kate asked if everything was okay there. Javi asked her to get the truck inside, they needed an instant retreat.

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Suddenly, a smoke grenade was hurled on the stairs where Clema and Javi were hiding. They slowly got out of the place, vulnerable, and Javi saw a guy with a gas mask advance toward them. He wrestled until he was shot down by none other than Conrad. Since the place was surrounded by zombies, Conrad had no choice but to return to Javi.

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Clem spotted Kate with the truck. The truck was close, and Javi watched a boy hurl a Molotov toward it. And instantly, Kate lost control of the truck and swerved in the road until she hit the wall.

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The oil started to spill and the fire from the truck made a huge explosion blasting away the barricade that separated the outside world. And so, the only structure that kept the zombies outside was brought down and down went Richmond, an almost perfect haven and human settlement that went up in flames thanks to unchecked power in politics.


And that's how the 4th episode ends, the sheer drama and twists made me get on the edge of my bean bag. I honestly wanted Tripp to live but Ava got lucky. I hope that they make it out safe of Richmond and maybe go toward another settlement that has mentally stable leaders. The next episode is no. 5, the last one in the season.

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My choices throughout the episode. I've made some of the most unpopular choices according to the game data. I should've saved Ava, that way Tripp would've survived. I need do one more playthrough to make sure if saving Ava there would've been good.

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Gameplay Video

Thank you guys for watching. See you legends on the next one!

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 24 days ago  

I watched this game series a lot on Youtube, as I couldn't play it I had to settle for watching it, the story is very good and dramatic, the gameplay is also amazing.

I watched this game series a lot on Youtube

I don't doubt it, its clips were everywhere when the game initially came out.

the story is very good and dramatic

The very essence of this game is drama, without drama it would've been your average zombie hack-and-slash games.

the gameplay is also amazing.

Yep, even though it's a pretty old game it can compete with many modern games today. Its story alone is far superior to the ones today. Therefore, good graphics got nothing on a game that has an amazing story.

Thank you for stopping by, have a great day! 🍺