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RE: Overpowering Weaker Race In Overwatch 2 With The Most Beautiful Villain | 11k Damage and 13k Heal ~ 37 Kills | I almost felt sorry for them.

in Hive Gaming27 days ago

This game looks extremely intense

Yep, the opposition looked like they were a squad themselves. That's why their coordination was sound and no move was random or erratic.

I would be absolutely terrible at it.

Practice makes progress, and you would be better at it than me if you gave it time and have your buds to play with you. That way, you are sure to improve exponentially as the group would compete with itself to be better.

Thank you for stopping by! Have a great day🍻


I only enjoy games like this when i am playing with my friends. I do not like playing with strangers who get unreasonably pissed off at you because you don't know every nuance of the game already. It does look like there is a lot to the game though. Seems fun!