The Last Established Civilisation Falls... Just Like Rome | Politics Is Indeed A Dirty Game | The power struggle was done no longer since the leader was brought to his knees...

in Hive Gaminglast month

Hello, gamers of Hive. I hope you all are doing well!

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Today, I will share the final part of Episode 3 of The Walking Dead Season 3. This is where we will see the end of a person who views Act Consequentialist as the highest rule for survival of a community. Such is the case for most governments, and this is why I like villains. They would lay waste for the one they love.

So, without further ado, let's begin.

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Last Time

We saw Conrad butting a bullet inside the skull of Badger for executing Francine and its all thanks to Javi. He fought Badger on the second floor of the storehouse. They also busted Max, the sub-leader of the "Ops" they ran on the other human establishments and brought in bounties. This location was marked by David as Javi was ousted for being a bandit and stealing from The New Frontier's supplies. They were branded as such in a meeting where the leader of the New Frontier, Joan had a conversation with Javi. There he shared his time after the fall of human civilisation, he also shared how they were forced to siphon some gas from a junkyard with his 2 nephews and brother's wife.

After the fight in the warehouse, Jesus leaves the gang to find his pals. That's the least he owed to his friends, and he hoped he wasn't late to save them since Max and his buds were raiding camps.

This Time

Jesus bid adieu. David made a plan with the others to get Clinton and Paul to their side once Max rats out Joan and her nasty operations. Javi, for the first time, asked that this time David owed him. He agreed.

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They made it near the gates of Richmond. One after another got out of the manhole and crouch-walked over to the intersection. There they separated into 2 groups: one group would fetch to Paul and Clinton and the other would head over for Gabe, Kate, and Eleanor.

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Tripp, Javi, and Conrad were tasked to find Gabe and Kate from the hospital. Javi was up for the task of distracting the patrol. He takes the stone and aims right at the electric cannister that had a transformer. It topples over and electric cackling could be heard from inside the bucket. They two patrol cautiously approached the bucket, thinking on how to prevent it from setting the entire neighbourhood going in flames.

That gave the trio enough time to escape.

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They made it to the room where Kate and Gabe were resting. Javi let out a sigh of relief and asked Tripp and Conrad to go look for Eleanor.

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Kate tells Javi that Joan had visited her. She implied that David was not in charge of the place anymore and they should look out for themselves. Also, Javi and the others were denied entry inside the city.

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Javi explained that the guys responsible for Mariana and her answer to Joan. She ordered them to raid other establishments and get supplies from them, she was also responsible for Prescott.

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Kate was shocked to learn all this and asked they find a way to quickly leave the place. Gabe was adamant that they wont leave his dad behind. I made Javi take Kate's side since she was making sense.

Gabe was determined to be by his dad's side. Javi told that it was a mistake that he was making. Gabe said that it was his mistake to make, and so they left him at the hospital while Javi and Kate took to the streets, slowly getting out of the place.

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Unfortunately, they were spotted by 2 patrol guards. They captured Javi while Kate in her injured ran as far as she could. Javi scuffled with the guys and bought just enough time for Kate to escape.

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When he came to, he was presented to Joan, back where they had their conversation. One of the guard told they they caught him while to was trying to run off the streets. David was furious and asked if Gabe and Kate were safe. The guard told that Kate ran away and Gabe stayed. David promised to discuss it later.

Joan was trying to act all high and mighty and asked that David be taken off as one of the leaders since he committed an act that was forbidden: he smuggled his brother back into the city.

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Javi had an outburst. He accused Joan of killing hundreds of people, children, son and daughters of parents. He accused her of pillaging the human settlements and having bounties from them.

Clinton was taken aback. He told that these were serious allegations. He asked for proof. Javi turned toward Max and asked him to not be afraid of Joan.

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This is where Max opened up. He said that he, Badger, and Lonnie ran the ops. THey raided the establishments and would collect their resources on Joan's orders.

Everyone turned to Joan as she slowly made her way to the alcohol in the pantry. She took a sip and Clinton asked her why?

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With a stern expression, Joan defended herself. She replied that she had to do it. She swore to nevel let another lover, child, or member of a family die like how they died in the winter without any proper meds or warmth or food. She adds that she only planned to do it long enough until "Richmond" cold stand on it's own.

She continues, "And finally, after all they've been through and with all the "sacrifices" they should not fight among themselves and be on one side, Richmond's side.

Javi told that they would not stand for it. Not on the blood of innocents and certainly not on the blood of dead children.

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And so, Joan convinced everyone present at the place that what she did was right. Clinton and Paul slowly turned toward her. She asked that both Javi and David be put in ain until they could decide on what to do with them.

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Javi warned that she would not get away with this warmongering dictatorship.

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And so, the brothers were brought to their knees. A guard behind Javi knockout him out with the butt of his Ak-47.

Ending Thoughts

And, that's how the last part of the game ends. It seems that Joan believed in the philosophy where her wrongful actions would be done for the right reasons and would greatly benefit them down the line. The others saw her point of view and instantly wsided with her. But, Javi and David's views were also valid since they were standind up for the people who's houses were torn apart by the dead after the raiders did their dirty work.

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These were my choices. You can clearly see that I sided with the majority 4 times and the only 1 time I chose an option where I was a minority among minorities. Somehow, I want to create different scenarios by choosing differently and see the outcomes then, maybe I'll have to replay this episode specifically.

Thank you guys for ready thing far, see you legends on the next one!

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Vaya, no conozco mucho de the walking dead en los juegos, pero de la serie si no estoy seguro si tienen conexión, pero es emocionante ver como Javi toma él pape de Rick como el líder

tal vez me anime a la saga de juegos de the walking dead

No está conectado pero las historias son de primera categoría. Cada escena representa con precisión lo que es moralmente bueno y ofrece una nueva perspectiva del otro.

Además, este juego es más que un juego, es como una película en vivo en la que participarías activamente. ¡Espero que puedas jugarlo algún día!
Salud 🍻

Estoy seguro de que un día lo jugaré

 last month  

I love the drama that this game generates as well as the series in each of its chapters, it looks exciting.

It is! The thrill of being in the game is something this game allows its players to do. The choices you make would affect the ending making it open to immersivity. Each chapter has its unique protagonists and such where you may find yourself to be an antagonist.

You should definitely give this game a chance.

Thanks for stopping by!🍻

It must be very exciting to live all this experience hand in hand with TWD in this playable version. I think the one I played is called Survivors and it's for smartphones.

This one you play has a great immersive experience. Great!