Has the New World MMO gone full circle?

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

When playing a game of the same genre you may notice similarities that can be played off as coincidence or maybe even an improved version from an older game and that's understandable as there is only so much you can create that is unique without being too complex.

New World has some great features, the combat system is something new and takes time to master, the amount of trade skills and ingredients a player can gather are scattered all over the game world and while playing and seeing the players mosey on their way from point to point I'll spot a group of them either chopping down trees, fishing at the nearest lake/river and gathering whatever materials they need. I realize that I haven't seen anything like this since playing Runescape back in the early 2000's

Once that thought was in my head I couldn't stop seeing how much alike New World and Runescape were, and others in the global chat thought much the same! Here are some comparison photos:




Even the weapon and skill list.


My Brother explained it best, 'If ten years ago somebody showed me a picture of New World and told me "This is what Runescape is going to look like" I probably would've believed him.'

New World is a blast to play though and if the PVP is like Runescapes than I cannot wait to get in there and start wrecking shop.

What do you think? Is New World another take on Runescape or am I just looking too much into it?

Thank you for reading this wild post.

Happy Gaming!

 3 years ago  

I never played Runescape so I can't say; but I do know that I'm enjoying this much more than your standard cookie-cutter MMO. 🙂 I love being able to gather everything and craft everything, own a house and craft my own furniture to furnish it with, and play the various Trading Posts, instead of being forced to Raid or whatever.

You can tell the game developers really thought about the full game experience beyond just the leveling aspect to the game.

Yeah, the standard OPEN WORLD MMORPG, will always have these same features. Features that were responsible for the success of the older games, and are being re builded nowday with a better graphics and a much better playability =p
These games were always the most fun to play with your friends =p

Thank you everybody for your comments! I know I must've been stating the obvious but its not often I'll see an MMO that offers all the trade skills to a player, usually they just give you two trade skills to work with. So that's why seeing another MMORPG that allows access to all the trade skills was so striking!