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RE: Exploring the Depths of Gamer Rage

in Hive Gaming7 months ago

Rage can come in many forms from various sources. Video Games just seem to hit every button to activate anger in the player. I used to get upset quite frequently at competitive multiplayer games, throwing my chair, smashing controllers, breaking headsets, cursing up a storm. Constantly spending money to replace equipment was quite costly though and it was a good motivator to not get so upset at a thing designed to be fun.

I still get upset when a match isn't going my way but I've learned that once the match is over, my emotions are left in that match. It required some practice but eventually I figured it out. Bruce Lee and his method of 'Being like water' has helped me gain control over my emotional state and that includes 'gamer rage'.

Thank you for sharing information about the 'rage' of gaming.


Thank you for sharing this! I had the same thing throughout the past 2 months in Paladins, getting banned twice for this kind of rage and I just decided to tone it way down before getting perma banned😅