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RE: Hive MUD

in Hive Gaming2 months ago (edited)

I was just thinking about Utopia while I was driving around today... man, I loved that game. It was multiplayer text-based game, you'd build up your defenses and your army - and send a portion of your army out to raid the resources of others, but if someone attacked you while your army was out your defenses wouldn't be as good. The different troops you could train would be good at attack or defense or both and have different resource costs... I just remember thinking so much about it while I was supposed to be working.

Not exactly what you were talking about... but I'd love something like this on Hive so much.

Oh, also, HappyMe does run a kind of dungeon crawler manually on Hive :


Not exactly what you were talking about... but I'd love something like this on Hive so much.

Honestly this is pretty much exactly what I was talking about.
What we need is a modular base that can be forked to make any kind of text-game.
I might have to look into this one a little more.
Utopia... hm, never heard of it.

Oh cool... yeah, I literally haven't thought about it for decades... but it was very fun.