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RE: You're not a monster

in Hive Gaming3 years ago (edited)

progress is a choice Taraz


Gold 1 is at 2800, so why Byza is not moving up with 2 accounts ? :))

Because of these reasons:

  1. If Byza moves up to Diamond, he likely won't be #1 (therefore, miss out on the season end reward of 60K DEC).

  2. He probably plays a lot of gold level tournaments and therefore need constant practice at gold level.]

  3. Diamond level top spots are already taken by the chosen diamond players :)


These players are best of the best. They have figured out perfectly where they belong and what is the most efficient way of doing business.


I haven't even looked into the leaderboard yet. Makes sense.

Is it based on win/loss percentage?

It's based on points won, aka rating. Winning battles versus people who are lower (not reached the top ranks of the league) in the same league you are in will advance you a little bit (points gained, 3 points per win is how it's now set up regardless of win streak) but if you win versus someone at the top ranks of the league you are in you get more points per win (10-30 or so I've gotten). The same is true if you lose though, lose to someone in the lower leagues and you get smacked down the ranks but lose to someone in the same top ranks and you go quickly down!

Winning versus losing has some factor in it but the primary factor is don't lose to people close in the top ranks of the league!


only 363 positions to go!

Nice, rocking it bruh! Lol. The game is a little too addicting!

Thanks, I wasn't necessarily pointing out these people in particular. More the people who stay diamond 2 or 1 then flee battles so they stay. I've seen quite a few of them flee my battle to drop some points then later on wipe the floor with me because all their stuff is maxed.

I'm glad I haven't run into these top people, looks miserable!