Hive Gaming Community Selfie Contest - League of Legends (Summoner's Rift), My Entry.

in Hive Gaming3 years ago


@hivegc is running an exciting contest where you can participate while playing your favorite game! Make sure you take a few selfies in cool places or while doing something cool and post 'em to the HiveGC Gaming Selfie Contest.


There was no way I was going to pass this contest on. For a long time I have been thinking of ways to join the community, and this contest may be the very portal I was looking for.

My selfies come League of Legends, an online multiplayer free-to-play battle arena developed by Riot Games in 2009. IT highly resembles DOTA, if you've heard of it. But rumor has it the inspiration was taken from Warcraft 3.

The game has become one of the most popular online multiplayers, bagging some of the biggest numbers on twitch and hosting the biggest competition of its kind in the 2018 World Championship with a prize pool of $6,450,000.00.


This game means so much to me. I started playing it at around 2016, and instantaneously fell in love with it. I used to play with my laptop's trackpad. LOL! Hell, I even played CS1.6 and GO with a trackpad.

LOL quickly took my number 1 spot in multiplayers coz it was a hub for all of my friends to come in, set up funny comps, amazing plays and have a wonderful time no matter how close or far we were IRL.

It became a place where we made memories, found things to roast each other about, develop teamwork and bonding, as well as having fun. I even found a friend that I hadn't spoken for like 10 years on the game, and now our friendship is reborn and we play the game together almost every other day.

Out of all the classes, my favorite is the marksman a.k.a. ADC ( Attack Damage Carry) class. It was the class from which I had found my all time favorite character Kalista.

The role is super weak and undervalued. But if played right, the role becomes the deciding factor in a game. ADCs need to be constantly alert, they are very "squishy", need to always position themselves right in a teamfight and know how to survive. A complex mix of ingredients to cook up a win.

Meet Trsitana:

A cannon wielding, rocket launching, cute little yordle from the ADC class. Do not let the cute eyes fool you, she will steamroll through the enemy team and towers.
But she was really excited for the selfie.


The game now gives free skins in forms of rewards to players. I won this skin where her cannon is a tiny dragon.
So Tristana proudly showed off her gun-dragon-baby and asked it to look cute for HiveGC.

We later went to the dragon pit. Tristana wanted to take a selfie with her dragon-cannon's momma. It was a rather sad moment, coz while we were posing for the camera, my team killed the dragon behind us. (TBH, it was a happy moment, coz we snowballed the dragon buff to a win.)


Well, dragon-cannon was obviously unhappy about it. She took her revenge by burning my face while we were trying to pose for another selfie.



This absolute unit of a champion is my first ever "main". A "main" in LOL is a champion that you always prioritize, have mastered, or exclusively play with.

Back in the day, before he got reworked or nerfed, he was an absolute cranage. His name comes from volley and bear. The bear that runs to the enemies and volley them back.

Volibear is a god. He is the god of storms and war. He is also brother to Anivia, Ornn, and the mysterious Seal Sister. He and Ornn have fought many a time and Volibear is responsible for the destruction of Ornn's followers.
-League of Legends, 2018.


He still is an absolute unit. I decided to pose in a "God-Like" position in front of the Baron Nashor, which is the ultimate buff and largest in size in LOL. And volibear is almost half the size, here.


A criminal psychopath, who believes murder is art. And this serial killer's art paints the arena red in a stylish fashion.

Jhin is one of the more peculiar character in the game. Currently, the strongest ADC in the game. He gets only 4 shots per round, before he needs to reload his weapon. A dancing, theatrical, show stopping, maniac terrorizing the summoner's rift.

He is quite the gentleman, in the sense that he speaks eloquently and is always very theatrical.
Here is bowing to the Hive Gaming audience as a humble introduction.


Although, he believes in and lives to wreck havoc, he doesn't really care about helping his friends in the jungle to kill a monster. So instead, he decided to pose front of what he believes is another form of art - JUNGLING.



You do you, Jhin, you do you.

I really enjoyed sharing an intimate part of my life - gaming, with you. Granted, they may not be the best angles because of the graphic and camera limitations in-game, but hopefully you enjoy and share they sentiments they carry for me.

What games do you play? Make sure to make an entry here and let us in on your gaming life.

Also, click on the banner below and join us in the Hive Gaming Community Discord channel.


I had to use the pc's screenshots to take the pictures, and my pc can run the game in the lowest graphic settings. So, there is nothing stopping you from sharing yours with us.

Go kick ass!


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Make that 59001. Thanks for your incredible efforts.

You're welcome @blind-spot 😊
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I’ve never played this game before, but have definitely heard of it. The competitive scene for League of Legends is huge!

Glad to see you participating in the contest 😎

It is quite the popular game. I am looking forward to the ps5 stocking in Ukraine. Also waiting for payday to go buy a new gpu for my pc. That should elevate my experience.

It feels good to be able to upgrade our gaming experience to the latest tech. I hope that you are able to accomplish both of those things very soon.

I've played LoL for too many years in my life, so many that when I saw your selfies I thought "here stealing the dragon" or "here taking the Blue from the JG" hahaha what a great post.

do you not play it now?
I can't stop playing. addicted much?

Yes, the only problem is that I play in LAN because I'm from Venezuela hahaha, but YES, I'M STILL PLAYING NON STOP, I also play a lot of TFT I love it.