I Made "Rock Paper Scissor" Game Using Python.

in Hive Gaming4 years ago

Hello Everyone

How are you all ? Hopefully you all are fine and I am also well. In a previous post I shared you that I am learning Python programming language. That's why I was busy for some days and I couldn't make posts regularly.

After learning basic and intermediate concepts of Python I made a simple "Rock Paper Scissor" game and here I played my game.

[Sorry for the low resolution]

Here is the code I written


Actually I am a beginner and my codes are simple. I know a lot of expert and potential programmers are here and I will be happy if they suggest me how to become a good python developer.

I used only Random module, while loop and if-elif-else statements here. I know I can make this type of simple games with more short codes but as a beginner this codes are not easy to me and after trying an hour I wrote these codes. If anyone of you suggest me more short codes for this game, I will be grateful.

I wanted to be an Android app developer but I didn't know which programming language is used to develop an android app. Then I searched on youtube and I found Java. Then I started learning Java from youtube video lectures but after watching some videos it looks very hard to me. Then I again found Python on youtube and the youtubers were saying Python is the easiest, beginner friendly and all rounder programming language. Then I watched some videos on Python tutorial and found really easy and interesting. Then I bought a book and started learning Python. After completing all basic and fundamental concepts along with OOP now I am solving problems from URI Online Judge. Also I am learning Data Structures and Algorithm.

After being an expert on Python I planned to switch C and then Java. If you are a programmer, I will be happy having your valuable suggestions on how I can be a good programmer.

That's all. Thanks everyone for reading my blog. If you find my articles/videos helpful/enjoyable, consider following me. And don't forget to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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Thanks for sharing your code. I'm learning a little more python every day, too. And I get very encouraged when I read posts here at Hive from people who like the same thing as me. Greetings

Thanks for stopping by. Hopefully together we build a bigger community of Python on Hive blockchain.

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