
Mushroom Seer is a nice card and I am using it most of the time with earth splinter.
Inlove the poison ability at higer level which helps a lot to take down the enemy very fast....
The card is out of print now.....

I like the Mushroom Seer for its Silence ability. It can be a nightmare to a magic lineup. Yeah this card is out of print now.
Thanks for stopping by. :)

I liked your battle bro,
Mushroom seer is really a good card.
Hope that the next contest's theme card will be from the ones you have.
keep sharing
@tipu curate 3

Mushroom Seer is kinda cool but super hit-or-miss, if the opponent uses at least two magic attackers its great but if they use none its kinda bad. I use it now and then but a lot of the time i think Magi of the Forest is better with 2 magic attack for one less energy cost.

Yeah. If the opponent doesn't put magic cards, then it will be kinda bad because of its low health and high mana cost.

Thanks for sharing! - @ashikstd

So, you've missed the fun with the Fire Spitter.
Better luck next time.
Mushroom Seer is a nice choice as well.
Well done on the battlefield.

Keep on battling.