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RE: A Combination of This and That

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

I used some of my rewards to get involved back in the Alpha days. I have to say, i thought these cards could be worth something, that's why i got the starter deck. I have put zero money in and my cards are worth a ton now!

I never expected to enjoy the game and i played a lot and earned a lot. That year off i took didn't do me any favors. I've been too busy curating and commenting lately to play so i listed all my cards for rent. I should have done it sooner tbh. I think i got 8 packs of the Chaos Legion editions. I want to open them when they come but i may keep them unadulterated. We will see. The SPS airdrops have been badass! This game has been a cash cow for sure... but with actual use and practical application.

I didn't realize you played since i know how much you don't value games! hahaha
Cheers bro! Get you some of that gaming action! Dr. Max Blight to your service!



I have put zero money in and my cards are worth a ton now!

Now it requires putting money in to make anything significant in my opinion - at least if coming from the western world.

I only play a few days per season, then rent :)

The SPS airdrops have been badass!

Definitely for those who got in early. For me, not so much, since it is a return on quite a heavy investment, so it take far longer to actually cover what I put in. I am nowhere near yet I think :)