Akira Toriyama's final work... it's a video game! - and it's great

in Hive Gaminglast month

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Oh guys, we are almost approaching a month since the genius of Akira Toriyama went with Kaiosama to enjoy with Goku and his friends, a month that has seemed eternal to me, I have been able to watch some seasons of Dragon Ball and reread some of the mangas that I had lying around in my room, it is difficult not to find an artist as influential in every way as him, and it is also amazing to see that his work is more alive than ever.

And a game that I was following since it was announced, coincidentally it is the last work in which Toriyama participated before leaving, a game that now takes all the spotlight as it may be the last time we see something new from this genius, and it is in a video game! I present to you Sand Land, which I still don't have the pleasure of playing but I have read some very good reviews of it.


We enter the land of sand, and from the beginning I get the vibes from all the places, from the unmistakable drawing of Akira to the vibes of those old RPGs in which I participate, contrary to what many think the work Toriyama has always been attacking video games, let's just look at some of the most emblematic games like Chronno Trigger where he also participated as a designer, and I won't lie, it looks fantastic.


This world reminds me a lot of Dragon Ball for some reason, we enter a desolate world with a huge desert and some creatures and humans scattered here and there, but there are also demons in this world... who are much friendlier than we think. , this is where we meet our protagonist, a young demon who wants to reach a water source and embarks on an adventure with a handful of characters.

And this is what the game is about, that we embark on an adventure through the desert, in a classic RPG where we will have to travel great distances with our vehicle but also face natural enemies in this style of games, so we have an anchor to compare.

It is a very traditional open world structure with a vast plain where we will have to travel through various places completing missions. As for the story, we follow a fairly normal plot, with the demon jumping on an adventure to find a heavenly lake in the middle of the desert, something that has reminded me a lot, at least in essence, of the first episodes of Dragon Ball, even the manga has a lot of similarity in terms of story.

According to what I see in the videos, the combat mechanism is very simple when we are on the ground, we can jump and attack, plus there are some tools that we can equip to generate some type of imbalance, but the real battles I think people will like. Most of them are the battles of gigantic mechs that we can summon and that add a little flavor to fights that can be very basic.

I see many inspirations in games like Journey or Chronno Trigger itself, the animation in many parts seems phenomenal to me although I still haven't adapted to the strange 3D that they are using not only in these games but also in the recent anime, here I leave you this recommendation I'm going to be playing very soon and I hope that Akira's work continues to inspire many more people, leave me a comment and I'll see you in the next post.




Oh muchachos ya casi nos acercamos a un mes de que el genio de Akira Toriyama fuese con Kaiosama a disfrutar con Goku y sus amigos, un mes que se me ha hecho eterno, he podido ver algunas temporadas de Dragon Ball y releido algunos de los mangas que tenia tirados en mi habitacion, es dificil no encontrar un artista tan influyente en todos los sentidos como el asi como tambien es asombroso ver que su obra esta mas vida que nunca.

Y un juego que estaba siguiendo desde que se anuncio, casualmente es la ultima obra en la que participo Toriyama antes de irse, un juego que ahora se toma todos los focos al ser quiza la ultima vez que veamos algo nuevo de este genio, y es en un videojuego! les presento a Sand Land, al que todavia no tengo el gusto de jugar pero que he leido algunas muy buenas reviews de el.


Nos adentramos en la tierra de la arena, y desde el inicio ya me llegan las vibras de todos los lugares, desde el inconfundible dibujado de Akira hasta las vibras de esos viejos RPG en los que participo, al contrario de lo que muchos piensan la obra de Toriyama siempre ha estado ataca a los videojuegos, solo veamos algunos de los juegos mas emblematicos como Chronno Trigger en donde tambien participo como diseñador, y no les miento queda fantastico.


Este mundo me recuerda mucho a Dragon Ball por alguna razon, entramos en un mundo desolado con un enorme desierto y algunas criaturas y humanos esparcidos aqui y alla, pero tambien estan los demonios en este mundo.. que son mucho mas amigables de lo que pensemos, aqui es donde conocemos a nuestro protagonista, un joven demonio que quiere llegar hasta una fuente de agua y se embarca en una aventura con un puñado de personajes.

Y de esto se trata el juego, de que nos embarquemos en la aventura por el desierto, en un clasico RPG en donde tendremos que recorrer grandes distancias con nuestro vehiculo pero tambien hacerle frente a los enemigos naturales en este estilo de juegos, asi que tenemos un ancla para comparar.

Es una estructura de mundo abierto muy tradicional con una basta llanura en donde tendremos que recorrer varios lugares cumpliendo misiones, en cuanto a historia seguimos una trama bastante normal, con el demonio saltando a la aventura para encontrar un lago celestial en el medio del desierto, algo que me ha recordado bastante al menos en esencia a los primeros episodios de dragon ball, incluso el manga tiene mucha similitud en cuando a historia.

Segun lo que veo en los videos el mecanismo de combate es muy sencillo cuando estamos en tierra, podemos saltar y atacar ademas de que hay algunas herramientas que podemos equipar para generar algun tipo de desequilibrio, pero las verdaderas batallas que pienso le va a gustar a la mayoria son las batallas de mecas gigantescos que podemos invocar y que le ponen un poco de sabor a peleas que pueden ser muy basicas.

Veo muchas inspiraciones en juegos como Journey o el mismo Chronno Trigger, la animacion en muchas partes me parece fenomenal aunque aun no me adapto al 3D raro que estan usando no solo en estos juegos sino tambien en el anime reciente, por aqui les dejo esta recomendacion que voy a estar jugando muy pronto y espero que la obra de Akira siga inspirando a muchas mas personas, dejenme un comentario y nos vemos en el siguiente post.



This game looks good, I might have to check it out at some point!

This is a real work of art, I didn't know anything about it, do you know what are the minimum requirements to play it?