Play to Claim free 'Impact Junkie' NFT Set from Off the Grid

in Hive Gaminglast month


Off the Grid has taken the web3 shooter scene by storm. And though technically not a blockchain game (yet), Off the Grid already has the pieces in place with a game token (GUNZ) and tradeable game items including weapons, cyberlimbs, cosmetics, and full body skins.

Players can find and keep weapons, items, and skins from the game, and now everyone also has an opportunity to claim a limited edition set called Impact Junkie!

Claim Free Impact Junkie NFTs in off the Grid

Off the Grid is already free to play and lets you keep the items you find in HEX boxes. Now you can also can earn a set of cosmetic NFTs for free just by playing the game and running the Discord app at the same time (console users will need to link their Discord account through the console). This promotion is run through Discord Quests and will only be available for a week.

You only have to play the game for 15 minutes, which would be one or two matches at most. In fact, you don't even have to actually play. You can just launch the game client and sit at the main menu and you will still accumulate time towards completing this quest!

Once the quest is done, get your claim code from Discord and go into Account Settings -> Promo code within Off the Grid to claim your NFTs.

Your items will come in the form of HEX boxes, which must be decoded using GUNZ tokens. But no worries, just play the game for a bit and you'll accumulate GUNZ from matches, by completing quests, and from leveling up your account. All of this can be done with a free account. You're never required to purchase the OTG Pro Pass.

This quest will be available from January 6th through January 12th, 5:59pm CST. Head over to the Off the Grid Discord server to get started.

Note: While you can choose to sell your game items for GUNZ tokens, the team has said that before the official game launch, they will wipe all GUNZ token balances. We don't have a specific date for this, but you'll want to keep your ears open for an announcement so that you can use those tokens to purchase NFT items, which will remain with your account at launch.


What is Off the Grid?

Off the Grid is a competitive PvP shooter game that is currently vailable in early access on PC, Xbox, and PS5 devices. In Off the Grid, players are participating in a deadly game show for fame, glory, and maybe even some money along the way. In the game world, contestants sacrifice their natural limbs in order to equip enhanced prosthetics.

Each player starts off with nothing more than a handgun and basic equipment. But throughout the battleground players can find chests containing items, and cash. Equip the items find while saving cash to call in loadout airdrops that you setup before the game. Players can also find special HEX boxes in game. Use designated extraction points to claim these HEX boxes, which can then be opened out of game to reveal game items of all types, including weapons, cosmetics, upgrades, and cyberlimbs.

The game continues with an ever shrinking battlefield until only one team is left standing. Off the Grid includes an active marketplace and a battle pass system available to those who purchase a premium, monthly subscription called OTG Pro. Pro subscribers also get to claim free NFT skins. The most recent one is Crackhead Christmas, featuring a dirty, ragged, Santa Claus outfit.
