What game I am playing on My Pc? KO?

in Hive Gaming3 years ago


Hello Hive Gaming Family. I am with you again with my game Concept. I started this game for about 1 month. Really cool and beautiful game. The name of the game is Knight Online. Everyone knows. Legend of old times. I am now level 81. A game that requires a lot of effort and time. Of course pay to win :)



My Skills:

I need 83 level for my Eskrima skill.

My İtems:

I have Myrtil 7 set and Shard 8, CHD 7 weapons. İt realy powerful set.


And my stats. As you can see in the picture. I have 255 dex and all my stat points on HP. 255 is enough for Dex :)

Thanks for Reading and Supports.