
I remember when this game first came out. I thought it looked pretty mint but never got around to playing it. It's an interesting concept and from the video it looks to be fun! Nice video as always dude!

 3 years ago  

Bro I love this video game, I have played it since the first edition as a mod of half life 2 came out, and then its first installment, it is an incredible game, I want to go back to doing a retro gaming session playing the mod of half life 2 with which this franchise was born, it is incredible how it has evolved,

by the way good screams hahahaha you got quite into the role, pov of being a medieval knight, a greeting from the cave❗🐻🎮🚀

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 3 years ago  Reveal Comment
 3 years ago  

It is not a similar mod bro, from that mod the chivalry franchise was born, in fact the game is called age of chivalry and it has all the classic old school designs of the knights of current games, the mod was very successful at the time, although Today its servers are empty, but the best of all is that the game is free to play,

so it can be played without having half life 2 in the steam library, greetings friend❗🐻🎮🚀

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 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

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This game looks like so much fun, won't even mind that I'm losing 😆😆😆