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RE: PS5 purchase: It is gonna be a while for us in Vietnam

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

I feel for you. It’s simply not fair that the PS5 is in some places and not others. We are all equal, shouldn’t we have a fair opportunity to have the same things no matter where we are in the world?
I know over time things will eventually become available worldwide and stock will not be so quick to finish. It’s just weird because we all breathe the same air and look at the same sun, you’d think we’d all have the same PS5. Eventually, until then enjoy what ya got and look forward to the future.


It’s just weird because we all breathe the same air and look at the same sun, you’d think we’d all have the same PS5

Ha! This made me smile. At the moment I am just fine not having a PS5. I think you FPS guys probably enjoy the enhances framerates and ultra sharp graphics than I do. I don't know if I would really even appreciate the full power of that machine. However, if Horizon ends up being a PS5 exclusive, you will see me complaining about that because Zero Dawn is one of my fav games ever.

Good you can have that patience. If you can handle working many years for the Fed only to eventually get to live to South Asia.. then you can surely wait out the PS5 dilemma.

Horizon is so gorgeous and the story was quite interesting. I somehow still was not able to get very into the game. I just played it for the first time about 6 months ago. Hopefully if I play Forbidden West at launch I can enjoy that one a bit more since it’ll be brand new and surrounded by hype.