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RE: Scarlet Nexus - First Impressions

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

I did the same thing with my mic on two videos in a row. Now I have a new mic and I refuse to let that silly error happen again.

I just have way too many other games at my disposal to force myself to get into this one. I’m sure after more time with it I’d learn to love it, but for how long? I couldn’t even push myself to finish FF7 Remake, go ahead call me crazy I know 😅


I didnt play the FF7 remake because I didnt want it to ruin my experience of the classic game when it was released. It was the game that got me into RPGs. That and Chronotrigger, but I never finished Chronotrigger because my brother traded it before I was done.

I see. The remake was my first FF game outside of trying the demo for XV briefly.
Your bro is an ass for getting rid of Chronotrigger before you were able to finish 😤