Micro Adventurer (December 1983)

in Hive Gaming2 years ago (edited)

Cover of the December 1983 issue of Micro Adventurer

Micro Adventurer was a U.K. published gaming magazines that covered a very particular niche. It covered adventure games on computers. The definition of adventure games in this case includes adventure, role-playing, war games and simulations. In addition, type-in programs (adventure games of course) for various 8-bit computers were included in each issue. The December 1983 issue includes:

  • Letters - Letters from readers, this month featuring letters about help for adventure games on the BBC B, the expense of disk drives, praise for adventure games by Level 9, clues for The Hobbit, adventure games for the VIC-20 and more.

  • News - Covering new adventure games including Wrath of Magra, Waxworks, Midwinter, The Korth Trilogy, The Warlock of Firetop Mountain among others. Also news about the increasing demand for speech synthesizers.

  • Writing a program - Writing and adventure on the BBC with BASIC.

  • Software Inventory - News about the latest releases including Labyrinths of La Coshe for the BBC B, Usurper for the Spectrum 16K, Oracle's Cave for the Spectrum 48K, The Forest for Spectrum 48K, The Golden Baton for the Commodore 64, The Crystal Chalice of Quorom for the Dragon 32 (a Color Computer clone), Valhalla for the Spectrum 48K, Scram for the Atari 8-bit, High Flyer for the Commodore 64, Groucho for the Spectrum 48K, Snowball for the BBC B, Pettigrew's Diary for the Dragon 32, and Nosferatu for the VIC-20 with 8K or 18K expansion.

  • Sink the Enterprise - This is is a type-in program for a somewhat more complicated version of Battleship. Though written for the BBC Micro, it is written in BASIC and can be adapted to other machines.

  • Table of Contents from the December 1983 issue of Micro Adventurer

  • Your Adventures - This feature includes type in programs submitted by readers. The first is a piece of code that can be used to create your own adventures. It is a subroutine for the Spectrum that allows you to prompt for input anywhere on the screen. The second is an adventure game in which you must free prisoners from a group of trolls. The third is an adventure game based on Masters of the Universe. Finally, there is an article on the use of the SAVE command in adventure games.

  • Adventure File - This feature strives to be a complete list of available adventure games, war games and simulations for all computers.

  • Adventure Help / Contact - A column in which readers write in to ask for help with adventure games. The magazine publishes the question along with the name and address of the questioner so that someone can help them. There is also a form to fill out and mail in if you have your own question.

Read more: https://www.megalextoria.com/wordpress/index.php/2021/11/19/micro-adventurer-december-1983/


I never read the gaming magazines but often saw them at the news agency. I feel like digital magazines will become a thing if they have not already.


I know that some had digital subscriptions for a while where you would get a PDF version of the magazine instead of or in addition to the print copy. However, I think most have just gone to having a website now.

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