Back in 2017, I posted Website Forecasts Major Population Reduction for USA and it was old news (2016) back then.
Here is the base of the article I posted:
Apparently this is old news, but it is still out there. The website Deagel - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation posts country expenditures on military equipment and civil aviation. Along with each country breakdown, they provide stats on the country using information from known sources.
Sources: US Department of Defense, Department of State, CIA, World Bank and European Union.
For the United States of America, it shows a population reduction from 324 million in 2016 to 54 million in 2025.
That is an 83% reduction in population.
Other countries with reductions are United Kingdom, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Spain and France. If it was thought to be a 80+% world wide reduction, then you would think that would be reflected equally across all countries. However, China shows a stagnated number at 1.4 billion in population as well as India, with its 1.3 billion in population. Interestingly enough, Mexico sees an increase from 123 million to 124 million. And Brazil goes from 206 million to 211 million.
What calamity could happen that would reduce the population in the USA and most of Europe, without effecting Mexico, South America and Asia? Well, except for Israel, which sees a population decrease of 58%.
Here we go again
It is some very puzzling stuff. Deagle's website is still up, but this particular report is only accessible through a direct link or archive. So, if someone wants to share it, they have to know how to get it, because it isn't obvious from navigating the site. The original method was just clicking on the Nation report, but this obviously doesn't give the future forecast anymore. Again, the original report was created using 2016 numbers to compare to a 2025 future forecast.
Well, ZeroHedge posted an article that was basically a summary of a an article by Casey published in International Man. There is also a video about that article, where Casey basically says the same things.
I don't know Doug Casey nor Matthew Smith. I don't know if Doug Casey is related to Edgar Casey, the American clairvoyant. But, apparently Doug Casey talks about stuff like this and makes predictions and such.
Doug Casey's assumption is that Deagel is getting their drastic population decrease based on either a biological warfare weapon or a famine. With the current issue with COVID, it would almost seem as if Deagel was able to guess a possible future catastrophe before it was on anyone's radar.
While it takes Doug a while to come around to the exact idea in the article and in the interview, he does bring up a scenario that I have thought about. What if the propaganda on COVID and the push to get the vaccine out, was just a rouse to get 80% of the population injected with a biological time bomb.
Here’s a wild and crazy thought. What if the real problem isn’t so much the COVID virus itself.
What if the real problem is the new vaccines. What if, after X number of months or years, they turn out to have very deadly effects? There’s a reason new drugs are tested over a period of years, which is far from the case here. Ted Turner, Bill Gates, and numerous others who think they’re “elite” have long said that the earth’s population ought to be reduced radically, perhaps by 80%. Is it too shocking to believe that some group would take advantage of this to cull the human population? It’s something that would be hard to believe even in a science fiction novel. But it now appears to be technically feasible. History is replete—overrun, actually—with psychos who try to destroy everybody once they get in power.
I have pondered this, but haven't really put it out there. When COVID first hit, we saw images "leaked" out from China of people just falling down on the ground and dying.
There is even videos of people being welded shut into their homes to prevent them from going out. These people would shout out at night to each other, so they would know that they weren't alone.
This is what we were fed at the beginning, that COVID was horrible and everyone was going to die. Then we found out that only old people or people with pre-existing conditions would die. Then we find out it is mostly people who are obese and certain demographics have more obese members than others.
source CDC
So, we have a virus that can hit a certain percentage of the population and then another larger percentage of the population is frightened into the point of doing whatever the experts and The Powers That Be want them to do. They line up and get their DNA therapy treatments without question. Now, everyone who is "vaccinated" is primed for whatever comes down the pipe.
Why would humans want to do this to humans?
Well, the people who want to put Agenda 21 into place and their lackeys like Extinction Rebellion...

...and their corporate assholes of The Great Reset .
You'll notice that the year 2030 appears. They have been throwing around that year since the beginning of Agenda21. When they changed the name of the program to Agenda 2030, they just cemented in their end date.
7.6% reduction for 10 years in a row? Basically, stopping human output for 10 years at 7%. That sounds a lot like 80% population reduction by 2030 to me.
If this is the first time you have heard of The Great Reset or The Extinction Rebellion, just note that they are not meant to do you good. The underlying principle is to have all of your decisions limited to what a small group of people allow you to do.
Anyway, I don't want to make this too long by rehashing what everyone should already know about Agenda 21/2030 and their many many Non-Government Organizations (NGO) that want to be the One World Government.
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Why is this an emergency? This was an emergency a decade ago, but the MSM kept droning on about "Climate Warming", then "Climate Change". Even 10 years ago it was very apparent of what was happening.
The only thing that the populous didn't know, to put the pieces together, is that before an ice-age, there is a global warming spell.
So, why is this an emergency?
If you know, you already started preparing.
Those who aren't prepared aren't going to get prepared. First, they would have to be de-brain-washed.
The govern-cements have stated firmly which side they are on.
They are on the side of depopulation.
They have to get in place before we find out we've been duped. That's the emergency!
Did not mean to post this in Gaming.
I am pretty sure this is about gaming.
The elites have gamed out this scenario many times.
And now, that the did the head fake (Wuhan-flu)
are about to wipe out a significant portion of the population due to vaccine induced sterility.
The Game of Life
I think you've got the wrong community, that's not relevant to gaming.
I know, I thought I was posting to my regular blog. I must have been on the wrong page when I hit the button to add a new post. I'm not sure if I can move it.
You can't move it sadly. You can either edit the post and replace the text with something explaining the situation, then re-post it in the right community. Or leave it be and cross-post it instead. Most people just edit out the text and repost when this happens.
I guess I could do that.
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