Exploring Fallout 4 - Recovering an artifact from a guarded underground facility

in Hive Gaming4 years ago (edited)

In one of my previous Fallout 4 sessions, I was supposed to find a facility in the middle of nowhere but I was unable to do so. I walked all over the place without finding any facility and in the end, I decided to leave and come back later.

Yesterday, I was able to find the entrance, and just as I suspected it was an underground entrance. You can see it below, it is just a hole in the ground so no wonder what I couldn't find it the first time.

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I took the following screenshot to share the mission's objectives as they changed, but I only realized it later when leaving this facility of the macabre detail on both sides of the rails. Heads on spikes! You don't see that type of "decorations" every day.

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The tunnels were really dark in the beginning and the enemies were weaker than those in the mission I shared in the previous post, which was coincidentally also in subway tunnels.

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There was construction equipment in this place but sadly all of them were turned off. It would have been cool to see them in action but I don't think this game is that realistic.

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Eventually, I found myself in what appeared to be a cold war storage facility full of old tanks that probably don't work anymore.

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I found the item I was tasked to find, this is how it looks like:

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I was getting ready to leave when SURPRISE! a guy wearing a power armor appears right behind me. The power armor is a massive help when dealing with intense enemy fire, it covers the entire body and increases your maximum weight capacity. I have never fought against an enemy wearing this armor so I was nervous as hell. The guy in the power armor is the one pointing the light at me:

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The game then informs that if I continue with this mission I would be forced to cut ties with the Brotherhood of steel. I remember reading something similar when I was installing a mod but I honestly don't remember which mod it was or the specific mission, but I do recall it had something to do with the "enclave". Since I didn't want to damage my relationship with the brotherhood, I decided to not finish this mission right now. I will try to complete as many missions as I can with the brotherhood, and then I will complete this one :P

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After I choose to come back later to finish the mission, I was allowed to peacefully leave the place but what I found when opening a huge door was more guys wearing the power armor and fighting with gunners! I knew which side was stronger so I obviously supported the guys with the power armor.

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I didn't understand what those gunners were doing in there. After the first few were all dead, I explored the place and there wasn't a way out. They were cornered in this underground place and there was no way they could have beaten the power armor dudes.

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This is how victims of previous fights are exposed in this place for everyone to see.

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There is also a lot of dark sightings.

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When I was exploring this place I found more gunners and gunned them down with the help of my faithful robot.

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I am unable to finish this mission because I prefer to explore other plotlines before choosing a side in this unavoidable conflict. When I was leaving this place is when I noticed the macabre "decoration" in the entrance. The apocalypse and medieval-style are somehow similar.

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I was back in Diamond City to finish some quick missions in this place and then go back into the wild.

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Isn't this city a lovely place? That poster on the left seems to be from the Brotherhood of steel? I guess I will have to find that out next time I play Fallout 4.

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