Level 6 Screeching Vulture GIVEAWAY! (BCX 52)

in Hive Gaming4 years ago

Hi there Splinterlands lovers!!


Feeling lucky? Come and join this quick and easy giveaway and be in to win one of my favorites common cards from Rewards. Yes, the amazing Screeching Vulture that, in my opinion, it gets really powerful at level 6 having three abilities: Opportunity, Flying and Scavenger.

How to participate? It couldn´t be easier. Just join GoatGang on Discord, write 10 messages and you are ready to participate.

Go to Goatelicious-Giveaways as shown in the picture down below:

Captura de Pantalla 2020-09-24 a la(s) 00.36.35.png

Scroll up a little until you find this and clic on the 🎉 Emoji right there (the emoji is Red in Discord)

Captura de Pantalla 2020-09-24 a la(s) 00.37.03.png

You are done! By clicking on the Emoji you are participating for a level 6 Screeching Vulture OR a level 4 gold foil one, you pick!

Hurry up! Theres about 4 hours left until the draw is done.

Good luck to everyone and see you all at the GoatGang