Trump...not Trump.

in Hive Gaming3 years ago (edited)

         So, what happens when one of your favorite streamers has the same name as the outgoing president? Well, it seems to create a lot of confusion for the algorithm. For the duration of this entire month, I kept getting the same PSA on Trump's channel.

         What? You didn't know there exist an Asian streamer named Trump? You know, the Madman, Mayor of Value Town? Dude who plays some of the most greedy decks possible?

         That's besides the point. You'd think YouTube would be better at their attempt at notifying people. But, turns out the "fact checking" fell a bit short... on the wrong audience. I can only imagine multitudes of unrelated channels getting spammed by these "PSAs".

         The best part? You could even see who are the bots in the comment section. Does that one look familiar? Yeah, I'm sure many of you have seen similar tweets on Twitter about leaving the country. The blatant misplacement has been to the point of absurdity.

         "Sir, this is a Hearthstone video," some would say. I have to admit, they created some amusing replies in the comment section. Part of me am glad that most viewers felt annoyed by the political commentaries. After all, what the hell were these bots doing on an entertainment video? Because the algorithm sucked.

         They couldn't tell the difference between an orange man and some Asian streamer. Go figure. The good news is, with the Trump administration finally transitioning, this will pass. It'd be nice not to have the MSM remind me how much of a shit show this entire election has been when I'm trying to stay away.

         Do you guys know of any other entertainment personalities that were affected? Let me know.


Do you guys know of any other entertainment personalities that were affected?

Well... Damn near everyone in entertainment suddenly became a political activist over the last few months, and that was annoying, because I'm Canadian, and your politics don't really mean shit to me, yet it's all been rammed down my throat nonstop from every direction, and hope these people don't come to Canada, like they said they would, four years ago, after the previous hissyfit.

I doubt they would. Life is too cushy in their ivory towers they complain from.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 33 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment