Dota 2 - Gameplay N° 49 - Dota una partida con Lina - Acción en este MOBA

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

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Hola amigos seguimos aquí disfrutando de este muy interesante juego, este es un resumen de lo más destacado de mi gameplay del juego Dota 2. Una Arena de Batalla Online Multijugador.

Hello friends we are still here enjoying this very interesting game, this is a summary of the highlights of my gameplay of the game Dota 2. A Multiplayer Online Battle Arena.

Dota no tiene límite. No hay dos partidas iguales. Cada héroe puede desempeñar varios roles, y hay multitud de objetos para ayudar a satisfacer las necesidades de cada partida. Dota no pone límites a tu forma de jugar.

En este gameplay estaré jugando con el personaje llamado Lina y me acompaña el pana Sector, se trata de una heroína cuya característica principal es que aumenta su ataque y velocidad con cada hechizo. Es frágil y debastadora a la vez si se encuentra 1 vs 1 en el campo de batalla, su ultimate es una habilidad debastadora.

Sus habilidades:

  1. Esclavo Dracónico: Lanza una oleada de fuego con forma de dragón que quema a los enemigos a su paso.
  2. Impacto de luz solar: En un radio se levanta un estallido de fuego que daña y aturde a los enemigos.
  3. Alma Ígnea: Cada vez que Lina alcanza a un enemigo con una de sus habilidades, ésta recibe una bonificación de ataque y de velocidad acumulable, dura 18 segundos y es una habilidad pasiva.
  4. Hoja de Laguna: Lanza un rayo que causa gran daño al enemigo objetivo.

Este juego está gratis en Steam.

Quisiera comentarles también que hago mi mejor esfuerzo por escoger las partes que me parecen más divertidas y entretenidas, para su disfrute.

Dota has no limit. No two games are the same. Each hero can play several roles, and there are a multitude of items to help meet the needs of each game. Dota puts no limits on the way you play.

*In this gameplay I will be playing with the character named Lina, she is a heroine whose main characteristic is that she increases her attack and speed with each spell. She is fragile and devastating at the same time if she is 1 vs 1 on the battlefield, her ultimate is a devastating ability.

*Her abilities:

  1. Draconic Slave: Launches a wave of fire in the shape of a dragon that burns enemies in its path.
  2. Sunlight Impact: A burst of fire rises in a radius that damages and stuns enemies.
  3. Igneous Soul: Every time Lina hits an enemy with one of her abilities, it receives an attack and speed bonus that can be accumulated, lasts 18 seconds and is a passive ability.
  4. Laguna Blade: Launches a lightning bolt that causes great damage to the target enemy.

This game is free at Steam.

I would also like to tell you that I do my best to choose the parts that I find the most fun and entertaining, for your enjoyment.

Gracias por ver, por favor denle upvote y follow. Sus comentarios y sugerencias por favor háganme saber.

Thanks for watching, please upvote and follow. Your comments and suggestions please let me know.

#Dota2 #gameplay #gaming

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I've played Dota a few times, but I can't say I like it very much. For some reason the graphics feel a bit dated. But of course, I have friends who play this game and love it. You got a good win. GG!

By the way, there are a lot of great game posts and players in our community. If you visit and interact with their posts, they will visit yours. I recommend you to do that! Have a nice day!

Hello @incublus, friend thanks for your words and for watching my humble gameplay. You know that many times the mechanics of a game are more important than the graphical features, that is to say; what entertains and amuses of a game like these is the challenge of knowing your character and the enemy's character, finding the way to play in harmony with your team, being tactical with your weapons and armor, but also finding a strategy that will lead you to victory, all this in real time. So the graphics can be from the 80s as far as I'm concerned sincerely bro.
Thank you very much for your suggestion friend, I will be a little more attentive to the publications of the community and interact with them, but I tell you that I usually give upvotes, however if I think a good idea what you say, thanks.

Of course I agree with you on that. In fact, for me the stories in games are more important than the graphics. I have expressed this many times.

Yes, upvote is good, but it is better to express your opinion with comments. Everyone gets a lot of upvotes, but commenting on a post shows that you read it and value it.


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