Hungry Shark Evolution: You are the king of the 7 seas.

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

Taken from the game

Hello everyone...

When I was a kid my biggest terror when going to the beach was to be eaten by a shark, and I was very terrified by movies like Jaws, or all the SciFi movies that came out that talked about mutant shark attacks or ghosts, which happened to be the ones that entertained me the most because they did not have such an empty plot.

The thing is that when I went to the beach and entered the water I always looked at the ground to see if there were any sharks, One day when I was in a boat to go to an islet that was 2 kilometers from land, I saw some dolphins in the distance but as I could only see the fin sticking out of the water I almost fainted, and everyone laughed at me (hahaha city kid) and although to this day, I still have not found any shark I'm still afraid.


However, in recent days when I was looking for a good action game to make a small review, I came across Hungry Shark, a game in my opinion quite addictive and I had never paid enough attention to it.

I checked the profile of the creator of hungry shark is 10 years old and has several versions of the game, so I downloaded the most played one which was Hungry shark evolution, and it was one of the best experiences I have lived in my life. It shows you that the shark is not the only danger of the sea and although I can be terrified of sharks, in this game I am the one who gives terror to others.

Taken from the game

The main objective of this game is to evolve the different types of sharks that you acquire to make them faster, stronger, and more voracious and dominate the sea, when you start you are very sad because you start with the reef shark, a shark that can kill absolutely everything, the advantage of this shark is its great speed, but it has everything against, then you move to the mako shark, a shark very common throughout the world it is found in the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic, Indian, Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, Then you move on to the Mako shark, a very common shark all over the world, in fact, it is found in the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Mediterranean and Red oceans, this shark is still very weak but you can face manta rays and seals.

And then you get the hammerhead shark, a larger shark and that is above the food chain of the sea, and this is where you start to have real sea power, although there are still things that can kill you as tiger sharks and white sharks, you can eat everything in your path.

Taken from the game

Objectives of the game.

As I said before, in this game you have different objectives that help you to make your shark grow, such as: Eat animals to earn evolution points and money, Find lost objects, and do challenges.

  • Eat animals to earn evolution points and money.
Taken from the game

These points are acquired by eating everything that is in your path depending on the shark you have because when you eat marine animals appear blue number representing your evolution points, and when you eat the golden animals go directly to the coins when the yellow bar is filled the frenesi mode is activated, where all animals become golden and you have the opportunity to take all the coins you want.

  • Find lost objects

Taken from the game

This is one of your main missions, because when you go swimming around the ocean and exploring you find different sunken objects and lost by humans, so far I have found the ark of the covenant, the pizza tower, an electric guitar, and a robot, finding these objects allow you to get more coins to buy upgrades to your shark.

  • Complete challenges
Taken from the game

These vary depending on the missions that you have since sharks are different and you can see them in the shell that is under time, there you see that among other things you must eat crabs, face the nautilus, eat monkfish, eat manta rays, etc...


In Hungry Shark anything bigger than you or that has poison is your enemy. And that ranges from people, seals, monkfish, lionfish, pufferfish, giant crabs, nautilus, bigger sharks, etc...

And the only way to beat all these animals that are a threat to you is to always have the biggest shark which I think is moby dick or the shark luminita (NARRALLYCLYUS), and at that level, no one can beat you or anyone who is above you so you can eat without problems everything you want.

Taken from the game

Other potential enemies that affect you a lot are the bombs or underwater mines scattered throughout the ocean, you can find them wherever you go even at depths of more than 300 meters, and depending on the size they can hurt or kill you at once.

Taken from the game

Market Shark

One last aspect that I have not been able to explore much is the hungry shark parts market, where you can get different items that make you faster, greater search for coins, anti-poison (jellyfish), lasers, bombs, etc...

And I say that I have not been able to explore it much or buy, because they are very expensive for the little that one collects in coins, and if you want to buy the biggest shark you must save or use very well every coin you earn, so I do not think I explore it for the moment.

Taken from the game

Good and bad things.

One aspect that I liked a lot in Hungry shark is the realism that they give it, because when the shark chews something you can hear how the bones crunch, also other aspects like the seal attacks that is true, the jellyfish venzo and the enemy animals that can eat each shark, everything is based on real facts of nature.

I also love how people are terrified when they see the shark on the shore or when it eats people, I imagine I would scream like that if a shark bites my leg or arm.

Taken from the game

The negative aspects of this game are only 2 things, the handling of the shark and how difficult it is to buy another shark.

The handling although it has 2 options is extremely bad, because the shark goes where it wants even if you try to control it, if there is a bomb nearby and you want to avoid it, your shark likely touches the bomb and you die, or if you want to avoid the seals and jellyfish if you pass near the handling is difficult.

And to upgrade your shark you must spend hours and hours playing since in a 9 minute run eating everything in your path without dying you will collect 3 coins, and the bigger the shark the more expensive it is to evolve it so you must spend a lot of time trying to collect coins.

Also, everything in the item store is extremely expensive, of course, all this is for you to buy the game, but it is still a big disadvantage for this excellent game. Maybe that's why there are a lot of people who invent money moods and infinite gEms, to try to get everything much faster.

Taken from the game

In conclusion, I give Hungry Shark a good score, because it is a entertaining game and it fulfills its objective very well, you have many positive points and you learn a little about marine biology, the bad thing is the poor management and how expensive it is to improve your shark. I recommend it to pass the time, I know that when you start you will not be able to stop playing.

Thank you very much for reading, see you next time.


Taken from the game

Hola a todos..

Cuando era un niño mi mayor terror al ir a la playa era ser comido por un tiburon, y me aterraba mucho por peliculas como Jaws, o todas la de SicFi que salieron que hablaban de ataques de tiburones mutantes o fantasmas, que casualmente eran las que mas me entreenian porque no tenian una trama tan vacia.

El caso es que cuando iba a la playa y entraba en el agua siempre miraba el suelo para ver si habia algun tiburon, Un dia cuando estaba en una lancha para ir a un islote que quedaba a 2 kilometros de tierra firme, vi unos delfines a la distancia pero como solo podia ver la aleta que sobresalia del agua casi me desmayo, y todos se rieron de mi (jajaja niño de ciudad) y aunque hasta el dia de hoy sigo sin encontrar ningun tiburon sigo teniendo miedo.


Sin embargo, en dias recientes cuando estaba buscando un buen juego de accion para hacer una pequeña reseña, me encontre con Hungry Shark, un juego en mi opinion basante adictivo y que nunca le habia prestado la suficiente atencion.

De hecho revise el perfil del cradory hungry shark tiene 10 años y varias versiones del juego, asi que descargue la mas jugada que era Hungry shark evolution, y fue una de las mejores experiencias que he vivido en mi vida. Ya que te muestra que el tiburon no es el unico peligro del mar y aunque me puedan aterrar los tiburones, en este juego soy yo el que da terror a los demas.

Taken from the game

El objetivo principal de este juego es evolucionar los distintos tipos de tiburones que adquieres para hacerlos mas rapidos, fuertes y voraces y dominar el mar, cuando comienzas das mucha pena porque inicias con el tiburon de arrecife, un tiburon que absolutamente todo lo puede matar, la ventaja de este tiburon es su gran rapidez, pero lo tiene todo en contra, lueo pasas al tiburon mako, un tiburon muy comun en todo el mundo, de hecho se encuentra en el océano Pacífico, Atlántico, Índico, mar Mediterráneo y mar Rojo, este tiburon sigue siendo muy debil aunque ya puedes hacerle frente a las manta rayas y a las focas.

Y luego obtienes el tiburon martillo, un tiburon mas grande y que esta por encima de la cadena alimenticia del mar, ya es aqui donde comienzas a tener verdadero poder marino, aunque aun hay cosas que te pueden matar como tiburones tigre y tiburones blancos, puedes comerte todo lo que este a tu paso.

Taken from the game

Objetivos del juego

Como dije antes, en este juego tienes distintos objetivos que te ayudan a hacer crecer a tu tiburon, como: Comer animales para ganar puntos de evolucion y dinero, Encontrar objetos perdidos y hacer desafios.

  • Comer animales para ganar puntos de evolucion y dinero
Taken from the game

Estos puntos los adquieres comiendo todo lo que este a tu paso dependiendo del iburon que tengas, ya que cuando comes animales marinos aparecen nuemero en azul que representan tus puntos de evolucion, y cuando comes los animales dorados van directamente para las monedas, cuando la barra amarilla se rellena completamente se activa el modo frenesi, donde todos los animales se vuelven dorados y tienes oportunidad de tomar todas las monedas que quieiras.

  • Encontrar objetos perdidos

Taken from the game

Esta es una de tus misiones principales, ya que cuando vas nadando por todo el oceano y al ir explorando te encuentras con diferentes objetos hundidos y perdidos por los humanos, hasta el momento yo he encontrado el arca del pacto, la torre de pizza, una guitarra electrica y un robot, encontrar estos objetos te permiten conseguir mas monedas para comprar mejoras a tu tiburon.

  • Completar desafios
Taken from the game

Estos varian dependiendo de las misiones que tengas, ya que por tiburon son distintas y las puedes ver en la caracola que esta debajo del tiempo, alli vez que entre oras cosas debes comer cangrejos, enfrentarte al nautilus, comer rapes, comer manta rayas, etc..

Los enemigos

En Hungry Shark cualquier cosa mas grande que tu o que tenga veneno es tu enemigo. Y eso abarca desde las personas, focas, rapes, peces leon, peces globos, cangrejos gigantes, nautilus, tiburones mas grandes, etc...

Y la unica manera de vencer a todos estos animales que son una amenaza para ti es teniendo simepre el tiburon mas grande que creo que es moby dick o el tuburon luminita (NARRALLYCLYUS), ya en ese nivel no hay nadie que pueda vencerte ni nadie que este por encima de ti asi que te puedes comer sin problemas todo lo que quieras.

Taken from the game

Otros enemigos potenciales que e afectan mucho son las bombas o minas submarinas regadas a lo largo del oceano, te las puedes encontrar donde sea que pases incluso a profundidades de mas de 300 mts, y que dependiendo del tamaño te pueden herir o matar de una vez.

Taken from the game

Market Shark

Un ultimo aspecto que no he podido explorar mucho es el mercado de partes de hungry shark, alli puedes conseguir diferentes items que te dan vntajas como mayor rapides, mayor busqueda de monedas, anti veneno (medusas), lasers, bombas, etc...

Y digo que no he podido explorarlo mucho o comprar, ya que son muy caras para lo poquito que uno recoge en monedas, y si quieres comprar el tiburon mas grande pues debes ahorrar o usar muy bien cada moneda que ganas, asi que no creo que lo explore por el momento.

Taken from the game

Cosas buenas y cosas negativas

Un aspecto que me gusto mucho de Hungry shark es el relismo que le dan, ya que cuando el tiburon mastica algo se escucha como crugen los huesos, tambien otros aspectos como los ataques de focas eso es totalmente cierto, el venezo de medusas y los animales enemigos que puede comer cada tiburon, todo es basado en hechos reales de la naturaleza.

Tambien me encanta como las personas se aterran cuando ven al tiburon en la orilla de la playa o cuando se come a las personas, me imagino que asi gritaria yo si un tiburon me muerde una pierna o un brazo.

Taken from the game

Los aspectos negativos con este juego son unicamente 2 cosas, el manejo del tiburon y lo dificil que es poder comprar otro tiburon.

El manejo aunque tiene 2 opciones es sumamente pesimo, ya que el tiburon va por donde quiere aunque tu lo trates de controlar, si hay una bomba cerca y quieres evitarla pues es muy probable que tu tiburon toque la bomba y mueras, o si quieres evitar a las focas y medusas si pasas cerca el manejo se hace dificil.

y para poder mejorar tu tiburon debes pasar horas y horas jugando, ya que en un recorrido de 9 minutos comiendo todo a tu paso sin morir recogerias 3 monedas, y entre mayor sea el tiburon mas costoso es evolucionarlo asi que debes pasar mucho tiempo traando de reunir monedas.

Ademas todo en la tienda de items es sumamente costoso, claro todo esto es para que compres el juego, pero sigue siendo una gran desventaja para este juego excelente. Tal vez por eso hay bastante personas que inventan moods de dinero y gmas infinitas, para tratar de conseguir todo mucho mas rapido.

Taken from the game

En conclucion, a Hungry Shark le doy una buena puntuacion, ya que es un juego realmente entretenido y cumple muy bien su objetivo, tienes muchos puntos positivos y aprendes un poco sobre biologia marina, lo malo es el pesimo manejo y lo caro que es mejorar a tu tiburon. Lo recomiendo para pasar el rato, se que cuando inicies no podras dejar de jugar.

Muchas gracias por leer nos vemos hasta la proxima.


This game makes me very nostalgic, I remember playing it many years ago and the truth is that it was a great title!

Yes, of course, and it still is to this day.

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