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RE: New crypto game incoming: „City States: Medieval“

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

And how much is the price of CSM tokens? If it is very easy to enter this does not have much future, since the projects where it is very easy to enter and earn money quickly ends badly. But the idea of the game is very good, as you say it is something out of the ordinary.


The price of the CSM token is currently around 0.02 USD. You need 500,000 CSM to enter the beta of the main game, so it seems quite expensive, but you only have to lock your tokens and you will get them back eventually. It's also worth noticing that the full game is planned to be free to play.

But this has not much to do with the earning mechanics of the game. These are, again, very different from any other crypto game and kind of complex as well, and also still subject to change.
Basically, the earning aspect is going to be realised via the player ressource market and a clever buy-back mechanic of the ingame-currency, which guarantees a certain price level. I might eventually write an extra post to explain this and some other things I'm sure I forgot to mention, until then the Lite Paper and especially Discord are very good ressources if you want to inform yourself further :)