Deathgivers is a bad choice in Arenas? | One more day in Albion Online :)


Hello all friends, I've been a little away from here basically because I don't feel comfortable in the setup where I am and also I'm suffering a lot because of the heat and the waders and all that discourages me a lot.

But let's get down to business as usual: Deathgivers in Arenas in Albion Online.


It has always been clear to me that this weapon is very powerful and useful in Arenas but maybe in solo queue it is not the best choice.

Deathgivers is a very good weapon to execute and in Arenas it requires a lot of burst damage like Fire Staff or Cursed Staff which are weapons that inflict damage that leaves burning opponents and that is always very useful in 5 vs 5.

So according to several games I've played I think the Deathgivers works best with this type of weapon in company as its best contribution will always be to be able to do Double Ultimate.


After that conclusion I decided to put aside the Deathgivers to try another weapon from the same branch of daggers: the Bloodletter.

For me the Bloodletter is the best weapon to use because if the enemy has less than 40% HP it does even more damage to the enemies it passes through. After playing several games with the Bloodletter I started to win more because if my team is good at doing damage I only have to wait for someone with half health to execute before they receive healing.

I had played Bloodletter a lot before but I ignored that it could be more useful than Deathgivers because I didn't feel it was as fun and now I see everything much better and more clearly.


Luckily in this game that we won we had a good healer, the usual in these arenas is to blame the healer for not saving you but many times in the games there are mistakes of the dps like for example to move too far away from the healer and focus on other opponents that clearly you can't win and the most common mistake is not realizing that your healer dies and stay fighting, which obviously makes you die and subtract points.


There have been changes in the Arenas and before taking an orb didn't give a lot of points, as I remember each orb subtracted 6 pts after the minutes in the discount. Now having 2 orbs subtracts 25 pts and having 3 orbs taken subtracts 50 pts which makes an incredible advantage.

The big problem of playing these Arenas is that before when the orbs didn't give a lot of points, people looked for the orb and preferred not to fight and after the change the same or worse happens, they fight without healer, forgetting the orbs and giving their defeat, which is worse.

I think this change is very bad because before I preferred to prioritize the teamfight, now the difference that makes having orbs is exaggerated and only encourages not to fight and for players who do not know about the patches of the game that do not realize the reason why they lose, it worsens the experience of other players who if they know about the patch or notice the change immediately.

Finally I'm still practicing a lot 1vs1 in corrupt, I don't know to what point I will continue practicing because every time I find builds and things to which I have to invent or prepare a new tactic to win duels and I just don't feel very prepared to face things like Fire Staff and Bear Paws, but I hope soon to improve much more than I have improved.

So far this post with video gameplay. I hope you enjoy the video, soon more stuff and better, as always!

Thanks for the attention.



Hola a todos amigos, he estado un poco alejado de aquí básicamente porque no me siento cómodo en el setup donde estoy y además estoy sufriendo mucho por el calor y los zancudos y todo eso me desmotiva mucho.

Pero vamos al asunto como siempre: Deathgivers en Arenas en Albion Online.


Siempre he tenido claro que esta arma es muy poderosa y útil en Arenas pero quizás en cola en solitario no es la mejor opción.

Deathgivers es muy buena arma para ejecutar y en Arenas se requiere mucho daño de burst tipo Fire Staff o Cursed Staff que son armas que infligen daño que deja quemando a los oponentes y eso siempre es muy útil en 5 vs 5.

Así que según varias partidas que he jugado creo que la Deathgivers funciona mejor con este tipo de armas en compañía ya que su mejor aporte siempre será poder hacer Doble Ultimate.


Después de esa conclusión decidí dejar a un lado la Deathgivers para probar otra arma de la misma rama de las dagas: la Bloodletter.

Para mí la Bloodletter es la mejor arma para ejecutar ya que si el enemigo tiene menos del 40% de HP esta se encarga de hacer aún mas daño a los enemigos que traspase. Después de jugar varias partidas con Bloodletter empecé a ganar más ya que si mi equipo es bueno haciendo daño solo tengo que esperar que haya alguien con la mitad de la vida para ejecutar antes de que reciba healing.

Ya había jugado mucho la Bloodletter antes pero ignoré que podía ser mas útil que la Deathgivers porque no sentía que era tan divertida y ahora lo veo todo mucho mejor y con mas claridad.


Por suerte en esta partida que ganamos teníamos buen healer, lo habitual en estas Arenas es culpar al healer por no salvarte pero muchas veces en las partidas hay errores de los dps como por ejemplo alejarse mucho del healer y enfocarse en otros oponentes que claramente no podrás ganar y el error mas común es no darse cuenta que tu healer muere y quedarte peleando, lo cual hace que obviamente mueras y restes puntos.


Ha habido cambios en las Arenas y es que antes tomar un orbe no daba muchos puntos, según recuerdo cada orbe restaba 6 pts cumplidos los minutos en el descuento. Ahora mismo tener 2 orbes resta 25 pts y tener 3 orbes tomados resta 50 pts lo cual hace una ventaja increíble.

El gran problema de jugar estas Arenas es que antes cuando los orbes no daban muchos puntos, la gente buscaba el orbe y prefería no pelear y luego del cambio pasa lo mismo o peor, pelean sin healer, olvidando los orbes y dando su derrota, lo cual es peor.

Creo que este cambio es muy malo porque antes prefería que se priorizara la teamfight, ahora la diferencia que marca tener orbes es exagerada y solo incita a no pelear y para jugadores que no se enteran de los parches del juego que no se dan cuenta la razón por la que pierden, empeora la experiencia de otros jugadores que si se enteran del parche o notan el cambio enseguida.

Por último sigo practicando mucho 1vs1 en corruptas, no sé hasta que punto seguiré practicando porque cada vez encuentro builds y cosas a las cuales tengo que inventarme o preparar una nueva táctica para ganar duelos y justamente no me siento muy preparado de enfrentarme a cosas como Fire Staff y Bear Paws, pero espero pronto mejorar mucho más de lo que he mejorado.

Hasta aquí este post con video gameplay. Espero disfruten del video, pronto más cosas y mejor, como siempre!

Gracias por la atención.



I think it's some kind of team battle mode, I've never experienced that when I played Albion and it looks pretty exciting. At first when I was watching it I was annoyed that everyone was running low on health and no one was dying, luckily someone died later lol. Well played man!

hahaha if it's the magic of the Arenas, it's not like an Aram because we always have a healer who must always save with his AoE healing and the idea is to try to never die. The tactic is always to focus on the healer or his dps with more danger, if not, the fights are a disaster XD.

Thanks for commenting and for your support bro.