Soy un troll | Duelo vs Frost | TURBO$TRIKER in Albion Online

in Hive Gaming10 months ago (edited)


When I play long duels I usually stay calm, it's something I don't even look for, I just stay calm and fight, I get frustrated when I lose more than one duel in a row or when I'm vs extremely broken builds like cursed skull.

I have had very good fights vs Frost Staffs, even when I lose a duel vs frost I can have fun because when I play I give it my all and I can almost always stay close to winning.


In this video that I share I show a little bit how is the contrast between a battle vs a ranged build with mobility and another melee build. Generally ranged builds play waiting for the opponent's mistake and abusing distance and mobility. Currently the meta in Albion Online is in favor of ranged weapons, a melee build has it more complicated because it has to make efforts and acrobatics to get close and hit.

Therefore it is very risky to make a mistake or try to do something creative with some hasty spell, because vs ranged weapons you must be clear on how to play and withstand the skills.

I say this because in this first fight I made a lot of mistakes trying to make unnecessary combos that only made me delay the kill when I could have won by pressing a single button and not 3. Which boils down to the fact that I was a troll.

I would also say that this Frost player made some very good moves that surprised me a bit, but I think in this fight it was more "spec diff", maybe he didn't have at very high level his Frost specialization since I won more trades than he did to me, still the Frost damage is very good and if you understand the spacing with this weapon you can beat anyone with little spec.


In the corrupted dungeons something happens, when the fight is restarted many times some mobs start to appear that when they run into a player they give him a debuff of speed and life, which makes that in the long run whoever tries to escape more easily will be caught and that is also what happened to this Frost player because you had several debuffs although I also ate several debuffs but he suffered more for this.

I made mistakes in holding my E to execute him by trying to do combos with my Q and basic attacks forgetting that he can become invulnerable with his freeze and escape.

This fight if I remember correctly lasted about 15 minutes or maybe more but thanks to not losing my mind everything flowed in my favor.

I continue to study the game since I don't dedicate so much to practice because I want to try not to get frustrated when I lose or play so I always keep studying situations, moves and details to improve because that's what will make me win more in the long run.


After this fight I show a faster fight vs another Deathgivers so we can see the difference of how a melee fight is developed, it doesn't mean it's easier because you can also suffer a lot in 20 seconds of fight.

So I hope you like the video, I keep preparing more and better things for future posts.

Thanks for your attention.


Cuando juego duelos largos suelo mantener la calma, es algo que ni siquiera busco, simplemente me mantengo tranquilo y peleo, me frustro cuando pierdo mas de un duelo seguido o cuando estoy vs builds extremadamente broken como el cursed skull.

He tenido muy buenas peleas vs Frost Staffs, incluso cuando pierdo algún duelo vs frost me puedo llegar a divertir porque cuando juego lo doy todo y casi siempre me puedo mantener cerca de ganar.


En este video que comparto muestro un poco como es el contraste entre una batalla vs una build ranged con movilidad y otra build melee. Generalmente los ranged juegan esperando el error del oponente y abusando de la distancia y movilidad. Actualmente el Meta en Albion Online está a favor de las weapons ranged, una build melee lo tiene mas complicado porque tiene que esforzarse y hacer acrobacias para acercarse y golpear.

Por lo tanto es muy arriesgado equivocarse o intentar hacer algo creativo con algún spell apresurado, porque vs armas a distancia se debe tener claro como jugar y aguantar las habilidades.

Digo esto porque justamente en esta primera pelea me equivoqué mucho intentando hacer combos innecesarios que solo hicieron que retrasara la kill cuando pude haber ganado apretando un solo botón y no 3. Lo cual se resume a que fui un troll.

También diría que este Frost player hizo algunas jugadas muy buenas que me sorprendieron un poco, pero creo que en esta pelea fue mas "spec diff", quizás él no tenía en muy alto nivel su especialización en Frost ya que gané mas trades que él a mí, aún así el daño del Frost es muy bueno y si entiendes el spacing con esta arma puedes ganar a quien sea con poca spec.


En las mazmorras corruptas pasa algo, que cuando se reinicia muchas veces la pelea empiezan a aparecer unos mobs que al toparse con un jugador le dan un debuff de velocidad y vida, lo cual hace que a largo plazo quien mas intente escapar más fácil será de ser atrapado y es también lo que le pasó a este Frost player ya que tenías varios debuffs aunque yo también comí varios debuffs pero él sufrió mas por esto.

Cometí errores en aguantar mi E para ejecutarlo por intentar hacer combos con mi Q y ataques básicos olvidando que él puede volverse invulnerable con su congelar y su escape.

Esta pelea si mal no recuerdo duró como 15 minutos o quizás más pero gracias a no perder el mental todo fluyó a mi favor.

Continúo estudiando el juego ya que no le dedico tanto a la práctica porque quiero intentar no frustrarme cuando pierdo o juego así que me mantengo siempre estudiando situaciones, jugadas y detalles que mejorar porque es lo que a largo plazo me hará ganar más


Luego de esta pelea muestro una pelea más rápida vs otra Deathgivers para que podamos ver la diferencia de como se desarrolla una pelea de melee, no quiere decir que sea más fáciles porque también se puede llegar a sufrir mucho en 20 segundos de pelea.

Así que espero les guste el video, sigo preparando más y mejores cosas para futuros posts.

Gracias por la atención.


Ahh, just watching this made me angry. Why is your opponent always trying to run away from you? Sooner or later he'll be caught and killed. Okay, I can understand if he's trying to avoid your abilities or if he's trying to avoid being affected when you use an important ability, but the other way around was very frustrating.

What happens in these duels is that when one of the two reaches 70% HP (using healing potion and some important spells) you know who can win if the fight goes on like this. So what you are looking for is to recover from the cooldown, because the healing potion has 84sec of cooldown and it is very important at any moment of the fight.

The Frost Staff has a lot of advantage if he keeps the spacing, but if he hits melee he can lose because the cast of his basic attacks and his Q is slower and easier to miss than at distance, so he must simply keep distance by running.

So the most effective is to make a clean first trade without missing spells and dodging the enemy, if not, you have to restart the fight, that's what I would also do if my first trade was fatal, that's why many times I respect (his cooldowns) and don't play so aggressive.

hahaha... I think the same. I was running in terror. I don't know the video game but maybe he didn't either and thought the dynamic was to run away 🙈😂

Yes, as you say, it is possible that the opponent does not have the experience or the level he needed to face you. I don't know, I don't know the video game but it really struck me that he just ran and ran away from you.

On the other hand, I really liked the soundtrack of the game, quite in line with what it presents.

Yes, in Albion is very necessary to have the main weapon up for the damage to be more. People don't want to die so easy because they lose their gear and that's why they do whatever it takes to delay the kill.