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RE: Trying every PS-Plus Extra game: Saints Row: The Third Remastered

in Hive Gaminglast year

I played Saints Rows The Third, but I had some problems with getting used to it, I don't know if maybe I should have started from the first game, but it doesn't matter. What bothered me was that the game was very exaggerated with the things that happened, and they weren't as "serious" as I liked, I always enjoy titles like GTA V, because they don't have flying bullets or impossible things to do, maybe that's why I didn't like it, but it certainly looks beautiful this remaster, someday I must give it another chance.


a big problem I had with the enjoyment of the game was the re-use of models and environments, which may have existed in the original that I never played. I understand that the situations are meant to be absurd and I am ok with that. I'm not ok with every single enemy having 1 of like 4 skins.