[ESP-ENG] Mi experiencia en el juego Jurassic Survival Island / My experience in the game Jurassic Survival Island

in Hive Gaming27 days ago
Saludos a todos compañeros de Hive Gaming, hoy comparto con ustedes mi experiencia en este juego de supervivencia en una isla llena de dinosaurios.

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Como podemos observar el juego "Jurassic survival island" es un juego de supervivencia en una isla repleta de dinosaurios donde deberemos empezar nuestra vida desde cero coexistiendo/huyendo de los dinosaurios debido a que su gran mayoría por no decir todos, son carnívoros, desde el mas pequeño hasta el tiranosaurio rex.

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Hemos criado a un dinosaurio quien será nuestra mascota/guardián hasta el final de sus días, este es uno de los dinosaurios mas débiles, sin embargo, con una buena cantidad de comida estoy seguro que se enfrentaría a un dragón.

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Tal y como les había mencionado anteriormente, este pequeñín a cambio de una cantidad aceptable de comida, es capaz de enfrentarse a un dragón frente a frente, acá limpio la zona hasta de un tigre que se supone esta 5 categorías por encima de el, bueno, ese pequeñín se liquido a 4 tigres.

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Este juego tiene unos buenos diseños para crear tu propia casa, algo que voy a detallar mas adelante, el único inconveniente es la cantidad absurda de materiales que necesitas para construirte una casa, una cantidad bastante alta solo para construir el suelo y paredes, mientras mas materiales necesitas, mas debes adentrarte en la isla lo que aumenta el peligro y aun no quiero perder al pequeño guerrero.


Greetings to all fellow Hive Gaming members, today I share with you my experience in this survival game on an island full of dinosaurs.

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As we can see the game "Jurassic survival island" is a survival game on an island full of dinosaurs where we must start our life from scratch coexisting / running away from the dinosaurs because the vast majority if not all, are carnivores, from the smallest to the tyrannosaurus rex.

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We have raised a dinosaur who will be our pet/guardian until the end of his days, this is one of the weakest dinosaurs, however, with a good amount of food I am sure he would stand up to a dragon.

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As I mentioned before, this little guy in exchange for an acceptable amount of food, is able to face a dragon face to face, here I clean the area even of a tiger that is supposed to be 5 categories above him, well, this little guy liquidated 4 tigers.

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This game has some good designs to create your own house, something that I will detail later, the only drawback is the absurd amount of materials you need to build a house, a fairly high amount just to build the floor and walls, the more materials you need, the more you must go into the island which increases the danger and even I do not want to lose the little warrior.


I like how this looks, it has a touch of Minecraft, but with a different theme and a different view of the character and things to do, I like it.

It is a game with a similar theme to the mobile and pc survival game, "Ark survival evolved" and yes, it is quite good because you have plenty of things to do and the more you explore, the more you discover things and you have the possibility to fly through the skies with the help of a dinosaur.

It seems like an interesting game. I haven't player before but it looks good friend!

The game is quite interesting, if you are looking for a game of low resources with survival theme not so complicated and you can play at ease without worrying if the internet goes out, this is your game where if you want, you can turn off the wifi and let the hours flow.