Love me 2 Times Guitar Hero World Tour Gameplay with original guitar.

in Hive Gaming4 months ago

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Love me 2 times Guitar Hero

Esta canción es una de mis preferidas por eso la traigo el día de hoy para amenizar la tarde la he tocado con la guitarra original que trae el titulo de Guitar Hero 5, esta guitarra es la que me ha estado sirviendo para probar todos lo Guitar Heros de la Xbox 360.

La cancón de The Doors es una increíble pieza que no necesita presentación, brilla por si sola.

This song is one of my favorites so I bring it today to liven up the afternoon I have played it with the original guitar that brings the title of Guitar Hero 5, this guitar is the one that has been serving me to test all the Guitar Heros of the Xbox 360.

The Doors guitar is an incredible piece that needs no introduction, it shines by itself.

He logrado hacer 91% de efectividad en la canción en la dificultad de fácil, lo cual me deja satisfecho pues en los primeros intentos tuve que comenzar de nuevo la canción pues me salía mal, hasta que me salió esta grabación de mas de 90% sentí que ya era la buena.

Estaré trayendo mas gameplay con mi guitarra de Guitar Hero pues me gusta mucho pues siento que se cristalizan mis sueños frustrados de gran rockero en mi juventud.

Nos vemos amigos en un próximo gameplay, les deseo muchos éxitos y la mejor de las suertes.

I have managed to make 91% of effectiveness in the song in the easy difficulty, which leaves me satisfied because in the first attempts I had to start the song again because it came out wrong, until I got this recording of more than 90% I felt that it was the good one.

I will be bringing more gameplay with my Guitar Hero guitar as I like it a lot because I feel that my frustrated dreams of great rocker in my youth are crystallized.

See you friends in a next gameplay, I wish you a lot of success and the best of luck.







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All pictures are taken from my Gameplay on my Xbox 360/Todas las fotos son tomadas de mi Gameplay en mi Xbox 360

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 4 months ago  

Man this game is crazy, I also got to play it and do it with the maximum difficulty is epic, but after a few hours of play, everything in front of you starts to move, it is a strange effect that produce the colors of the game.

Friend, I remember that I also played it at maximum difficulty but now it takes seconds to react, I need much and more practice ! PIZZA 🍕

Esta chida, se nota que la practicastes varias veces, porque alli hay acordes que parecen simples, en realidad lo son, pero el cambio de uno a otro es desafiante.

Buen trabajo, un tema bien chingon!.


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Gracias mi amigo, si tú ve q darle varias veces a la canción, no me salía pero ya nos salió una de 91% y esa fue la buena.

La canción es una de mis preferidas de THE DOORs.


Now that's an artist at work, we're looking at a good gamer ... It would take lot's of experience to be this good I would fail in the first 10 seconds😂😂

It's just a matter of practice, you have to practice daily and increase the difficulty when you get used to one you increase it to another.


Wow that's the best advice. I believe with this O could be a pro at his about anything 🔥🥰 here's some !PIZZA and ! LUV back

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