Day 4 - Creating a new team in FC 24 Mobile

in Hive Gaming5 months ago

Hi guys, this is the last blog from (Creating a new team in FC 24 Mobile) and today I am going to make my team from 87 to 90.

fc mobile tumbnai .jpg

I started with buying a player that is 89 rated RW for 6M, Then I opened a pack and got a 89 rated RB named Dumfries and it cost 1,560,000. After upgrading my RW I learned that this player can play in 2 positions, first one is RW and second is RM. Only some players can do that, and you need to upgrade your player to know if it can play in 2 positions or not. Now my team has become 88 rated. I played a skill game to get a reward and I got Dudek the gk for a reward. I used dudek to rank up my LW Vini.jr and my team became 89 rated.

I sold all players I did not need and had good value. Also got to level 12. I played some matches and got to the pro III division. I played some challenges and won good players. I got dudek again after winning some matches. Again used him to upgrade Vini.jr. Then i got to the market and buyed a new gk for 1M that is 88 rated. I played more challenges and got two 91 rated CDM. I added an extra player to the bench and my team increased to 90 rated.


This was my process of making my team 90 from 64. See you soon with my new blog. bye.


I really like your draft on FIFA, I love Vinicius Jr. Good post. :)

Thanks, i like vini.jr too