Ways to earn more $roy

in Hive Gaminglast year (edited)

Hey gamers!!!!

In my last post i talk about CryptoRoyale a browser battle royale game P2E, if you are start to play this guide can help you to know more about the game and how to earn more $roy, here we go:

++Hold roy++

That's the first thing that you have to do if you want to earn more roy, because when you start to play the rewards are x1 but when you hold the multiplier increase

The multiplier is applied to the reward you get from the wheel when you win a game

++Complete achievements++

When you link your discord to the game you can start to complete the achievements, they gonna give you a little amount of roy

I complete 21/79

++Collect special boxes++

When you are playing have two boxes, normal and specials, the specials are the boxes that have a light

The box marked with a red circle is a box special that boxes you can use to spin a roullete and earn some roy depends on your luck

++Join to tournaments++

You have to stay alert and join to the discord to stay alert when have a tournament, just for join you can earn some $roy, depends in your hability can earn some good prizes

++x2 DROP++

Same as tournaments you have to stay alert when the drop x2 is active, in each match that you win you will earn x2 $ROY

++Buy a skin++

The other way to earn $roy is buying skins/nfts in the marketplace, when a mercenary (a player without skin) play with your skin and win you will earn a little amount of roy, also help with the multiplier

Well these are some ways to earn more $roy friends, i hope that this guide help you

Roy price is going up, take advantages now