Hive Gaming Community Daily Curation Project - 22/04/2022

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

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Hive Gaming Curation Report

Welcome to another installment of Hive Gaming Curation.

Have you ever wanted to devour humans as a shark in 3D? @thegoliath brings us his adventures devouring humans and many animals while evolving his shark. The Quarry seems to be a predecessor of Until Dawn, and @jazzhero brings us his opinion in this post.

If you are one of those gamers who love city building games, @caracasprin brings us his experience playing Ikariam. On the other hand, @stk-g brings us a post where he reminds us the importance of the voices that play the main characters of our favorite games, how important is this in video games? Find out in this post.

Black Deset Online is an MMO that has gone slightly unnoticed in the market, but @oldfool brings us a review of this game that seems to be incredibly complete and has a slightly large user base. The phone gaming market has been steadily growing and @marcoquin brings us a post where he tells us about some pretty interesting upcoming releases for mobile devices.

And to finish off, we have @wuildariablox who brings us a rather relaxing game called Unpacking. If you like to relax playing games, this one is definitely made for you.

At Hive Gaming, we strive to highlight the best gaming content on the Hive Blockchain. We have scoured the community to find some posts that truly stand out in quality and engagement.

Engagement within the gaming community will only make our community stronger. So be sure to take some time each day and visit posts of others.

Be sure to join the Hive Gaming Community Discord and subscribe to the @hivegc account to stay up to date with all things gaming on Hive. Thank you for being a part of the greatest blockchain and for all of your contributions.

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Thank you for the feature! I enjoyed reading the other curated posts too. Have a great day!

 2 years ago  

Have a great day too mate!

Thank you very much for your support, my dear friends. Happy weekend, health and blessings always!

 2 years ago  

You're welcome! Happy weekend for you too, buddy.

Thanks for the support and congratulations to all, I hope you have a nice Sunday! UwU

 2 years ago  

You're welcome :) Keep up the good work.