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RE: A FREE 😎 Home 🏑 for Everyone Joining dCity πŸŒƒ Giveaway 🍾 Event!

in Hive Gaming β€’ 3 years ago

I have never played dCity and would like to give it a try!

Thanks in advance. I found this beginner's guide post to read:

Sort: Β 

You are eligible for the Giveaway!

Here is your random Home... (I didn't specify which one I was giving away... πŸ˜‹)... not sure if I saw you on the HiveFest... so many people. Anyhow, you will now feel the power of dcity!

Your new shiny Hotel!

You should have already received your Hotel with the bellow ID and Memo message:

"Congratulations! Giveaway delivered from:"

Have fun and don't forget to join dCity discord (aka dCity Gate), link also at the bottom left of dCity page.