holoz0r's A-Z of Steam: Halls of Torment - the real Diablo 4?

in Hive Gaming11 months ago


For at least 37 hours, I've explored Halls of Torment. It hasn't been 37 hours of Torment, but rather an extremely satisfying night cap to play each evening in bed on my Steam Deck.

Unlike Vampire Survivors, which arguably has more "content" and variety; Halls of Torment requires you to think a little bit more with each choice that you elect to make.


The game is still in Early Access, so that means there's still more content to be created, and more bugs to be polished, but boy am I excited to come back to this in a few months or a year, given the level of enjoyment I've already had from this title.

You pick a character. You pick a place to explore. You try to survive for the thirty minutes. The Early Access appears to have three levels and a roster of about half a dozen characters.

Their attributes are unique, and this means that the special weapons / bonuses you find (Randomly) on each stage plays to their individual strengths. You can also equip some items, farm gold, and then upgrade permanent attributes as you progress.


Each time your character levels in each run, you're presented with a number of choices to empower them with more killing, survival, or utility power (speed, regen etc) - and within about 5 minutes of starting a run playing Halls of Torment feels like you're at the end game of a Diablo-clone, slaying hordes of monsters with prejudice.


It is fast paced, satisfying, and when your run ends, you want to almost immediately start another. This game is a joy to behold, and has captured my attention. In this burgeoning survival-genre game, I hope that you'll come to enjoy The Halls of Torment just as much as I did.

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If you haven't started playing Splinterlands, you should do that immediately. It's very good fun.

If you want to see my Splinterlands antics and rants live, Find me on Twitch

If you prefer sleeping in your designated time zone, go watch replays on YouTube.

Thanks as always for your time!


I tried the prelude of this game: easy to pick up, difficult to put down. Every once in a while, I go back to it.

So difficult to put down.

Thanks for sharing this
I'm thinking of the play2earn game to work on...
I may choose this but I'm still making my survey

I haven't heard about this game before but the way you are telling it is very interesting and can earn him some money as a sportsman so this should go to all people so that they can benefit too.

Oh, this is what you were talking about! Looks like a nice step from Vampire Survivors!

Fun variant on a theme. Let us know how the full version goes.

Might be a few weeks, months, or years. I'll still be working through my collection by then..