Realm play-2-earn Game - End of Season 11 rewards - not as good as season 10

in Hive Gaminglast month

I'm continuing to enjoy playing the game realm, which is a world strategy/builder type play-2-earn game on the wax blockchain.

Season 11 ended on monday 20th of May after 85 days

As above, Season 11 has just ended, and I've done a tally of my whole season earnings:

The table above presents my rewards, and then shows rough RLM, WAX and HIVE values in the end columns. The HIVE value is mis-leading now, because its no longer possible to trade HIVE for WAX (and vice-versa) on Hive engine.

Its worth noting that I was in gold league this season for the first time, and I just wasnt competitive enough, mainly because I just dont have good enough leader NFTs to compete with the other gold league players. As such my end of season rewards were not as good as they have been in previous seasons (apart from the share of the RLM pool).

As a comparison, the table above shows what I earned in season 10. Depending on how you look at it, I probably only got 60% of what I got in Season 10. There are few reasons for this:

  • WAX price was strong against RLM,
  • I was just that bit luckier in season 10 with rewards from ships, etc,
  • I got better end of season rewards in season 10 because I was still in silver league and finished higher up the leader board.

However, I did earn more pure RLM - because the share of the RLM pool you get in gold league is a bit better than silver league, and because I had more RLM staked and slightly better leader cards, which allowed me to earn more RLM from within the game.

Season 11 Analysis

Overall I think I did ok (not great) in terms of Season 11. As said above, I need better leaders if I want to compete in gold league, and earn more. As such I have two options:

  1. Get myself demoted back to silver league. I did actually start playing less during the season in order to drop ranks. I finished 227th in gold league and 368th in the global rank. It may be enough to get me demoted - I'm not yet sure,
  2. Buy better leaders. So this is probably where I went wrong. At first I was following the strategy above (get demoted), when it occurred to me that I'd be better withdrawing all of the RLM I have staked, and buying 2 of the season 12 promo packs at the start of the next season. Due to the current strong price of WAX against RLM, it makes more sense to buy the packs, which are bought with RLM than it does to buy individual leaders from the market which are bought with WAX. If you are in gold league, you get a discount on the pack prices (they are 45k RLM each compared to 50k in sliver league). I should have enough for 2 packs, whether I'm in gold or silver league, but it would have been nicer to get them at the cheaper price in gold league. So we'll just have to wait and see where I end up next season. The other aspect is that buying packs in the promo sale is very difficult. They sell out straight away, so I'll have to be online and ready to buy the second they go on sale if I want to land some. Also, its worth noting that next season's boosted leader NFT is The Trucker, and so with a bit of luck they will be more common in the promo packs, which is good, because they are one of the most valuable leader cards, so it should make the promo packs very good value for money, especially noting the strong WAX price, which should basically make them a bargain. That is, you could probably buy the packs and immediately sell the leader NFTs you got on the market at a profit.

The pic above shows my end of season journey stats. I did ok, but as said above, had slowed down, so these are not too bad all things considered.

There is now a two week period before the start of season 12, where you can continue to play and earn RLM and level up leaders before the next season starts. I'm using that to squeeze in some more RLM earnings before the start of season 12, just to make sure I have enough to buy 2 promo packs.

When I buy the promo packs, it will clean me out of staked RLM. I currently have 97k staked, and will need either 90k or 100k to buy two packs (depending on whether I'm in gold or silver league respectively). That means I'll loose my staking boost, however, the leaders I'll gain will make a huge difference, and I should be able to earn the RLM back more quickly than I did the first time round (well at least thats the theory).

Forward plan

So the grand plan for the weeks ahead is:

  • Grind the missions and earnings until the start of season 12 (it starts on the 4th of June) - to earn more RLM and add experience to my leaders to try and level a few more up,
  • Hit the start of season 12 hard like I did for season 11, making sure I try to do both daily missions each day, as this made a huge difference to my reputation income and allowed my to level up way quicker at the start of the season,
  • To buy 2 packs in the season 12 promo sale on the 17th of June (If I can get in there quick enough),
  • If the above step fails, then I'll use my RLM to buy leaders from the market. I wont get them for as good a price, but I'll be able to target the ones I want, rather than relying on the randomicity of the packs.

So I'm looking forward to season 12 and finding out whether I'm in gold or silver, and whether I can buy those desired packs !

Heres a link to the game for anyone thats interested (this is not a referral link).

Credits: All in-game pics are screen shots from within the game. The excel tables are my own.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Congrats! Not a bad finish even though you purposely fudged it a bit. I finished 499 overall. Not great, but I should get to the final staking tier soon.